Lucy Surrenders
bind her to this man for eternity, vows that were both the same and yet very different from those of a traditional marriage.  Promises made here were not given easily, and when broken, carried a penalty that would not always be easy to pay.  Lucy's eyes never left Lucas' as she answered.
    "Do you promise to love, honor and obey your husband?" Reed asked.
    "Yes, I promise to love, honor and obey my husband," she answered.
    "Do you promise to give your obedience and submit your body to your husband as he guides you along the proper path with whatever discipline he deems necessary or simply desires?" Reed asked.  He expected at least a moment's hesitation, knowing as he did that Lucy was already slated for some form of discipline.
    Instead, he heard her answer instantly: "Yes, I promise to be obedient and accept my husband's decisions and submit my body to my husband's discipline," Lucy answered, seeing the promise of such discipline in Lucas' eyes.  She felt her stomach flutter but knew deep in her soul that she would do as she vowed.
    "Do you promise to offer all of your body in complete submission to your husband's pleasure whenever, and in whatever way, he deems or desires?" Reed asked, knowing that outside this small circle of people who practiced this lifestyle, his words would have been received with shock.  Lucy flushed hotly, her eyes remaining on Lucas' as they seemed to draw her into their depths with promises of pleasures she couldn't even imagine.
    "Yes," she whispered, her heart pounding as her entire body seemed to throb.  "I promise to give all of my heart, as well as all of my body, in submission to my husband to fulfill the pleasures he shall desire."  Lucas' own heart was pounding as he accepted her promises.  He tightened his hold on her hand as he felt it tremble within his.
    "And, Lucille Rose Furniss, do you accept not only the role of wife to Lord Huntington but promise to fulfill the role of his little one, submitting to his lessons as he teaches you what both these roles require?" Reed asked as he did of every young woman who married these types of men.  Lucy's answer came slower as she was promising something she was still so unsure she could fulfill. Accepting the truth at last she said, "Yes, I promise to be Lord Huntington's wife and his ... his little one."  She felt her uncertainty evaporate as Lucas' eyes looked into her soul.  "I accept his right to possess me and teach me all that my roles will entail."
    Lucas' smile enveloped her as she listened to his vows.  He promised to love and cherish her, to protect her and to guide her.  He promised to be responsible for teaching her what he might require as both his wife and his little one.  He promised to remember that to spare the rod would spoil the child, and accepted the role of disciplinarian should she fail to fulfill her duties in either of her roles.  Lucas surprised Reed by making an additional promise, one that was not a conventional part of the ceremony
    ."Lucy," Lucas said, with a slight hitch in his voice, "I give you this promise as well:  I promise never to give you, as my wife or as my little one, ever cause to doubt that all I shall teach you come from my deep and abiding love for you."  Lucy's heart stuttered, hearing the words spoken in God's house, and knew that he would spend his life fulfilling each vow.  A tear slid down her cheek.  Lucas smiled as he pulled something from his pocket and then allowed it to dangle from his fingers.  Lucy's eyes widened as she saw a beautiful gold chain from which a charm dangled.  She smiled, seeing it was a tiny cat that appeared to be cradled in the palm of an open hand.
    "You shall not wear a ring, as I believe doing so confuses your dual roles," Lucas said as he kept his eyes on her while he opened the clasp of the necklace.  "I wish you to wear this necklace always so that you will know that, whether you are my wife or my little one, you will always and forever remember

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