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Book: Cake by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
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catches when Dray’s image flashes through my head. “No, I turned it off pretty early.” Like after the first two seconds. The thought of Dray being injured tugs at my heart for a full second, until I remember last week when I ran in to him at the Art Gallery.
    “Please, Kylie.” Trent’s voice pulls me back. His voice soothes and tugs at my soul as he pleads, “I need you to go to him for me. I can’t come home now, and you are the only family he has there. You know how stubborn he can be.”
    Not wanting to add any stress, I don’t remind him of the long standing feud of mine and Dray’s. “I’m sure one of his many who...” whores doesn’t seem like the right or nice thing to say, so instead I finish with, “girl friends will be with him.” Leaning against the nearest wall, I try to slow my galloping heart rate. It’s like this when I speak to Trent, and like always, his voice just does it for me. Jonsie jumps and whines at my side, either from wanting outside or because of my emotional distress.
    The line clicks a couple of times and static fills the silence one again. “Listen, I drove fifty miles to the nearest medical center to use their phone. I don’t have much longer before I may lose the connection. I know you two get under each other’s skin, but this is serious, Kylie. I really do need you and you’re the only one that I can count on to do this. So please, for me, go to him and take good care of him.”
    The anxiousness and worry in his voice is my downfall. I don’t even know why I tried to think that I could even possibly say no. Here he is, in some godforsaken land, saving untold number of lives, and I’m being selfish to deny him this. His love of Dray makes me love him that much more.
    “God, Kylie. I’m so worried about him, and I just can’t leave or I would...”
    Not letting him finish, I interrupt, “I’m going now. Please don’t worry. I’ll handle everything.”
    Hearing his sigh of relief melts my heart just a little, and deep down inside of me, I know it was never a question if I would help him.
    “I knew I could count on you. I’ll stay here for the next twelve-hours to try and contact you back to check on him.
    Pushing away from the wall, I walk directly back to my bedroom to get dressed. “Yeah...yeah. I’ll make some phone calls and find out where he is and make my way there,” I say, only to hear our connection go dead.
    Tossing the phone onto my bed, I rub my hands back and forth across my face. When I think that Dray could seriously be injured, my heart seizes up. Okay, so I do hate the bastard, but I don’t want him to die on my watch. Not when Trent is counting on me.
    Deciding to forgo the shower, I scrub my face clear of sleep and decide to leave my glasses on, not fussing with my contact lenses. Going incognito seems like a good plan. I still have a great tan from mine and Mads’s tanning trip last week, so makeup is optional, which I usually never leave home without. Opening my drawer, I grab a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt then locate my one and only pair of running shoes for comfort. Letting Jonsie out to do his business, I return to fill his food and water in his crate. After locking him in, I grab my keys and wristlet on the way out as I dial a mutual friend of mine and Dray’s to get some information.
    Finding out exactly what hospital he was in proved to be easy, but trying to get upstairs is the challenge because of his status of being a famous football player. The waiting room on the bottom floor currently is covered in news media. I could pretty much figure that the women who were in tight skimpy dresses were, um fans, but then you also had others that I’m sure were legitimately waiting for family members. After approaching the nurses’ station to find out what room he is in, I realize that I’m not the first woman today to claim to be his wife, girlfriend, or relative. I am told that he

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