
Cake by Nicole Reed

Book: Cake by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
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you go after and get everything you want professionally. It just surprises me that, in regards to your private life, you stand back.” Finishing speaking, he walks towards me, grasping both of my arms at my sides and staring deeply into my eyes, “I’m sorry, if I upset you. You know me. Sometimes I speak without checking with my brain first.”
    Tired from a hellacious day of work, I sigh and say, but not meaning, “Let’s close up and forget this conversation ever happened. Actually, go ahead and go, I’ll lock up myself.” Turning away before he can see the tears, I walk over to the doors to turn the lock and flip the closed sign facing out.
    Turning back with a fake smile, I answer, “Leo, it’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    Shrugging his shoulders, he walks through the doors to the back of the store and employee exit. I can’t see him, but eventually, I hear the door shut. Looking around, I note the walls lined with wearable art and as always, my heart swells with pride.
    Flipping the light switches off, I wearily walk back to my office and sag down in my chair. Reaching for the silver lined picture frame sitting on my desk, I stare at the picture of myself and Trent taken over a year ago by the lake. We both are all smiles, cuddled arm and arm in the hammock that had taken hours to hang. Mads had reluctantly snapped the picture after swearing under her breath all day about Trent being a bastard for using me emotionally. Her opinion is even worse than Leo’s about the situation. No one ever understands how I had rather have him in my life to love him how he needs, than to not have him at all. No other man has ever come close to measuring up in my heart.
    Deciding to call it a day, I reach for my purse and head up to my apartment above the shop. Taking Jonsie out for a short walk, I let him run wild in the adjacent doggy park for a little while until it starts getting dark out. Strolling back, I decide to let the whole incident with Leo go. He’s been a great friend, one moment of assholeness has to be forgivable.
    After returning back upstairs, we both settle in for the night as I pour a glass of wine and reach for the remote control. Flopping back into my bed, Jonsie hops in beside me as I flip through the channels. Of course, the first preseason game that I missed tonight just happens to be starting. Why does he have to ruin my love of the sport? Within seconds, Dray’s picture in his number twenty-seven jersey fills the frame as the quarterback hands the ball off to him. He dodges several defenders before hitting his stride and running it in for a touchdown. His begrudgingly handsome face with that single dimple fills the television screen as he celebrates in the end-zone. Smug-bastard.
    “UGH!” I yell as I switch off the T.V. and grab my ear-buds, blasting the music from my iPad. Closing my eyes, I drift off with a love song playing in my ears and memories of Trent in my mind.

Blinking my eyes open, the sound of my cellphone ringing and Jonsie barking wake me from my restless sleep, an hour from when my alarm clock would blaringly do the job. Jumping up when I realize that the phone call could be about my sick aunt, I rush to answer, trying to remember where exactly I left it. Finally, I locate my phone and I answer in a panic, “HELLO?”
    Static crackles loudly, until I finally hear a familiar deep southern voice, “Kylie, can you hear me?”
    “Trent?” Last I heard from him, he was somewhere in South Africa.
    “I need you, Kylie.”
    Silence...either from him pausing or the line being cut off sets off alarms in my head.
    “Oh my God, Trent! What is wrong?” My heart beats out of control, as panic swells in my chest. Is he hurt? He can’t be!
    “It’s Dray. Did you watch him last night? He suffered a head injury during the first half of the game. I’m really worried, and I can’t get any answers.”
    My heart

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