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Book: Cake by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
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is having no visitors and that the hospital has a zero tolerance for loitering. Great.
    Looking up as the glass doors open, I notice the offensive line coach’s wife, who is also one of my biggest clients, walk through the door.
    “Mary Grace!” I yell, hoping to get her attention.
    Turning around to look who is calling for her, I wave like a loon. At first, I can tell she doesn’t recognize me, but then a small smile burst across her face as she crosses directly towards me.
    “My God, Kylie. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Her well-known sweet country voice rings across the waiting room, making more than one media head pop up.
    Hoping to not be recognized for any juicy socialite tidbits linking me to Dray, I duck my head slightly, and join my arms with hers. Leaning down I whisper in her ear, “Listen, I need help getting up to see Dray.”
    The surprise in her eyes as they lock onto mine, is almost comical as is the big shit eating grin on her face. “Well, well, well. I knew that gorgeous man would eventually be snapped up, but never in a million years would I imagine by who it would be.”
    Giving a little snort, I start to correct her when one of the larger media outlets looks over and seems to recognize her. Grabbing his microphone, he speaks to his cameraman while glancing our way.
    “Let’s get upstairs,” she says, pulling me towards the elevators. She flashes a pass to the security guard manning it.
    Once we are encased inside, she smiles at me again.
    “You know, this girl next door look really works for you. In fact, I have to know if this is how nobody knows that you two are an item?” She looks smug, like she has uncovered the mystery of the pyramids.
    I start to set her straight on the situation when her next words completely knock me on my ass.
    “The way he looks at you when you’re not looking. I should have known.” Shaking her head, she continues, “You know, I’ve watched you for years at the same parties and benefits we’ve attended.”
    I guess my look of horror on my face must have caught her attention.
    Laughing, she continues, “Not that I’m a stalker, but the way you weave and dodge men has always been so fascinating to me. I’ve found myself looking forward to seeing you verbally spar and shoot them all down, especially with Dray. I must admit, it has always been far better entertainment than what is usually provided.”
    “Mary Grace, I am best friends with his foster brother who is out of the country. He called and wanted me to check on him since Dray doesn’t have any family.”
    “Look, your secret is safe with me.” She imitates zipping her mouth and locking it.
    Who does that? I haven’t seen that move since Jenny Bart caught me kissing Ryan Landers in the bathroom in middle school, and I swore her to secrecy. Not to mention that the little witch went on to tell the entire school. Feeling my anger start to overflow at just the thought of anyone linking me to Dray, I start to get down and dirty when the elevator doors ding open.
    We meet another security officer and again she flashes her badge to get us through to a large room where most of his teammates are waiting. So many worried faces greet us that immediately I start to panic. Maybe Dray is worse off than even I could have imagined. Mary Grace rushes to her husband and talks with him in a hushed tone. The other players send covert glances towards me. I know many of them and their wives or girlfriends. Most seem not to recognize or care, which is what I want.
    Deciding I can’t take any more suspense, I turn to try and get information, when I feel a large hand wrap around my arm to tug me back around. Looking up at Jason Silas, my mouth goes dry at his intent stare.
    “Kylie?” His voice sounds confident and unsure in the same breath.
    Not. Today. Well, that is my first thought until I realize that he

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