Call Home the Heart

Call Home the Heart by Shannon Farrell Page A

Book: Call Home the Heart by Shannon Farrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Farrell
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Love Stories
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    most important items are in these two small bags here. I have this
    dress I'm wearing, so if I take two or three more warm practical
    ones out of the bags, and my more personal items, we can sell the
"I can't let you come to Barnakilla with nothing!"
"I won't have nothing," she said as she tugged a heavy black watch
    tartan woolen gown and a dark navy one out of the bag, and several
    white lacy items. She moved over to the screen to take the burgundy
    and black checked gown as well, and her nightdress.
"All of these things are new," she said with a sweep of her hand,
    putting the neat pile of dresses back in the larger valise. "And
    those, and those," she added, clicking each bag open for a quick
    scrutiny of their contents. At last she fished into her black bag,
    and removed her jewel case.
"I won't have nothing," she repeated, as she perused the contents of
    her jewel case, and closed the lid with an abrupt snap before she
    had the chance to change her mind.
"I'll have four dresses, a warm cloak, some books and small trinkets
    of sentimental value, and above all, I'll have you, Lochlainn. That
    is unless you've changed your mind about helping me now that you've
    discovered I'm almost penniless as well."
He shook his head. "I'm not going to change my mind. But I think
    perhaps I should try to change yours, if you're going to have to
    sell everything you possess to go to Barnakilla, when you could just
    as easily go home."
"And I've told you, I'm going to my new home. Now I'll just finish
    packing these bags. Then we'll head for Sackville Street first, and
    see what we can get for these. Here, help me."
He loaded himself down with her cases, and she followed along,
    checking the room one last time before she left. She took her two
    small bags, now crammed full to overflowing, and Lochlainn's small
    overnight bag. She helped load all the cases into the back of the
    carriage, and climbed up without hesitation.
"Drive on, Paddy, to Sackville Street," she said in a commanding
    voice, and sat back stiffly in the carriage, trying desperately not
    to break down and howl her misery and disappointment in front of
    Lochlainn, who did nothing but look at her pityingly.

Lochlainn would have tried to talk Muireann out of her drastic
    course of action on the carriage ride to Sackville Street, but he
    could see from the glint in her eyes and the set of her jaw that she
    was angry. Angry, and determined.
Besides, she was right. What else could she do?
All the same, he was terribly conscious of the fact that he had been
    economical with the truth. Not only was the estate bankrupt, but the
    mansion was virtually uninhabitable. God knows how they were to make
    a living to support everyone. She might get a good price for her
    trousseau and jewels, but the funds would only last so long,
    encumbered as the estate was with debt.
But Muireann had no doubts. This was a test of her character, of
    that she was sure. She had grown weary of her easy life at Fintry.
    Had hoped for adventures. Well, I've certainly got my wish, she
    thought wryly. Since she had taken her marriage vows on New Year's
    Day, her entire life had changed.
Lochlainn was astonished as he watched her haggle for the best
    prices possible, giving the owner behind the counter, Mr. Murphy, a
    spurious story about how her sister had died before her marriage and
    no longer needed the brand-new clothes and jewels of her trousseau.
The hardened pawnbroker had actually found himself moved by the
    young beauty's affecting tale of woe. Since all the items were of
    the highest quality, he offered her what under any other
    circumstances would have sounded to Lochlainn like a small fortune.
But Muireann held out for a higher price. Suddenly Lochlainn's heart
    was in his mouth. He was convinced that she had overplayed her hand.

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