Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1)

Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree Page A

Book: Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Moree
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air, like a fucking dog or some shit. It freakish eyes squint, he sniffs even deeper, then his eyes go wide. Releasing a high pitched growl, it backs away slowly, turns and disappears into the blackness surrounding me.
    Uh, what the fuck just happened? I shake my head, wipe the blood from my knife, and replace it in my boot. Sucking in a breath I force myself to approach the young girl lying silent in death on the dirty ground. Her blonde hair, streaked with red, is splayed out like a bright halo around her round face. Her eyes wide with fear in death.
    Ah, fuck me, man. I know this girl. She was taken by Fred before I even came here. Poor girl has been with the C.O.D for about a year and a half. How in the hell am I supposed to explain to Fred what happened to her? Shit, I’m not even sure what the fuck just happened.
    Pulling out my phone I snap a few grotesque pictures of the creature and the girl to send to Mac. Maybe he can figure out what the fuck these things are and who to contact about the girl. I don’t want her family to have to always wonder. I’m betting Mac’s Aquarius program thing can figure out who she is.
    As carefully as I am able, I move the girl to an out of the way spot where she is covered and won’t be easily found. Doing the same with the creature, I figure I will come back once everyone is asleep and deal with the bodies then.
    Clicking send on the images, I call Mac and put my phone up to my ear as I start walking to my trailer. A sleepy grunt echoes through the phone.
    “Please tell me your lazy ass ain’t sleepin’ while I’m out here busting my ass to deal with all this shit.”
    Trying to reign in my frustration, I take a deep breath and do my best to stop bellowing into my phone at my boss. I really don’t feel up to dealing with his pissy attitude.
    “Sorry, boss, just dealing with a lot of shit right now. Check your computer, right the fuck now, man. Some weird shit is going down here, and I don’t even know where the fuck to begin on making it all right. I ain’t talking about the usual kidnap and torture routine shit either.”
    The sounds of him climbing out of bed and clomping his old ass to his office brings a smirk to my face. I can’t believe his dumb ass was in bed already! What the fuck, man. It’s only one in the morning. Since when does he go to bed before four?
    “A’ight, I’m here. Now what? Email you said?”
    “What the fuck am I lookin’ at here, man? Jesus. Oh hell, man. A little warning would have been appreciated!”
    The scratchy sound in his throat makes me think he’s forcing back rising bile at the images currently filling his screen. If he thinks that shit is bad, he should see the shit on constant replay in my damn head.
    “Fuck, sorry man. I just... ah damn it all to hell, Mac. What the fuck are these things? I ran up on ‘em attacking a girl in a back alley at the C.O.D. I was able to take one of the bastards down, and the other sniffed me like a fucking animal and ran off.”
    “And the girl?”
    “Goddamn it all to hell!” I growl. “She was dead when I got there, man. I was too damn late to help her. It was one of Fred’s girls. I don’t remember her real name. Hell, I’m not sure if I ever knew it. Any way you can figure out who she is? I tried to get a good picture of her face, but they fucked it up something awful. She did have this weird tattoo on her neck, just below her ear. I sent a shot of it.”
    “I’m sure I can figure something out. Just calm down. Remember when I told you that I had run across something big and thought it might be connected to the C.O.D?”
    I grunt and wait.
    “Yeah, well. These things... I learned earlier tonight that they’re called Fallen.”
    I start to interrupt him, but he stops me.
    “Now you hold on just a damn minute and let me finish. What I was trying to say is that I found a group of guys that seems to hunt these fuckers down on a regular basis. I made contact tonight. I’m

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