Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1)

Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree

Book: Carnival of Darkness (FaeTAL Series Book 1) by Becca Moree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Moree
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    After that weird ass dream last night, I have no doubt that I will find a way to keep her as safe as possible in this damn place. It won’t be easy, but my new reality is that I have to keep doing my job while keeping her safe. Fuck! Mac better get his shit together fast; I don’t know how long I can keep this up. Going about my day as if nothing has changed is going to be the death of me. Fuck if I know what has changed or why, but something monumental is happening. I can feel it down to my damn bones.
    Hours later, another fucked-up-beyond-belief show behind me, my mind is still solely focused on the girl. I have to find out as much as I can about her and why she was taken. Hell, that’s the one thing I can’t seem to figure out about all the girls. Why them? What makes these girls so damn special? My gut is telling me that if I can figure that part out I can solve the puzzle of the C.O.D.
    Walking around the carnival as everyone makes their way out is always somewhat surreal. Some nights it’s all I can do not to follow them all out and just leave this hell behind me. Tonight, I don’t even feel the pull toward the exit at all. Oh, fuck no.  I’m being pulled, against my will, to the back of the damn place. To the one trailer I’m not allowed to go anywhere near. Fucking Fred! Why can’t the man just give it up already! I’d be happier than a pig in shit if this whole place went up in flames, after I got the women out of course.
    Turning the corner, I head further into the back alleys of the carnival. Exploring the darker areas that only workers go, I walk into a scene from a nightmare that has my stomach churning and my mind fighting for an explanation that just ain’t coming. Reaching down for the knife I keep hidden in my boot, I drop into a fighting stance.
    Shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. What in the hell are these things? Swallowing past the huge lump that has formed in my throat, I clear my mind and focus on what has to happen now.
    “Why don’t you ugly fuckers pick on someone your own size?”
    Two pasty white faces surrounded by bright red hair dart up to face me. Their pitch black fathomless eyes stare ahead, assessing me. Their attention leaving the poor woman on the ground at their feet.
    Shit! It doesn’t look like she’s breathing. I’m too fucking late. Goddamn it, whatever these fuckers are, they’re about to pay for what they’ve done.
    One of the creatures releases a hiss-growl combination that raises the hair on the back of my neck. The other just stands there with its head cocked and inhuman claws dripping the poor woman’s blood to pool at its bare feet. The air around me feels almost electrified. My senses go on high alert, and I ready myself for the battle to come. I don’t know what these damn things are, the stuff of nightmares that's for damn sure, but everything bleeds if you stab it.
    Before I know what hit me, a claw scrapes across my shoulder. Deep gashes pour blood down my chest and I suck in a breath to center myself through the pain radiating through my body. How the fuck did it move so fast? It was several feet away and then BAM! I back away, stunned. Shaking off my surprise, I swing around and slam my elbow into the one closest to me. Not giving it the chance to recover, I jerk my knee into its stomach, twist around behind its tall form, and bring my knife around to slice its throat. The sharpness of my blade ensures that the creature ain’t moving anytime soon. Blood arcs out across the alley ground, turning it an ugly shade of reddish black. It looks more like oil than any blood I’ve ever seen. As it falls to the ground at my feet, I turn my head to face the other creature. Its head is still cocked to the side, just fucking looking at me.
    “What ya lookin’ at ya creepy bastard?”
    Why in all hell ain’t the thing attacking? I arch my eyebrow and tilt my head, mocking the ugly bastard.
    “We doin’ this or what?”
    It doesn’t move. Just sniffs the

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