Carpathian 01 - Dark Prince

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with an ice-cold rage and deadly resolve.
    He bowed his head. Three blood-red tears made their way unchecked down his face. His sister, the youngest of their women. It was his fault.
    Mikhail felt the stirring in his head, warmth, comfort, as if arms had stolen around him. Mikhail? Do you need me? Raven's voice was drowsy, husky, worried.
    He was shocked. His command had been strong, far stronger than anything he had ever used on a human, yet his sorrow had penetrated her sleep. He glanced around him, took in the faces of his Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    companions. None of them had picked up the mental contact. It meant that, as groggy as she was, Raven was able to focus, channel, and send directly to him without any spillage. It was a skill few of his people had bothered to accomplish, so complacent were they that humans could not tune into them.
    Mikhail? This time Raven's voice was stronger, alarmed. I’ll come to you.
    Sleep, little one. I am well, he reassured, reinforcing his command with the tone of his voice.
    Be well, Mikhail , she whispered softly, succumbing to his power.
    Mikhail gave his attention to those awaiting his orders. "Send Rand to me tomorrow. The child cannot stay with him. Dierdre lost another child a couple of decades ago. She still mourns her many losses. The child will be taken to her. Tienn will guard them carefully. No one is to use a mental link until we know whether one of our adversaries possesses the same power my woman does."
    The shock on their faces was complete. None of them considered a human capable of that kind of power and discipline. "Mikhail, you are certain this woman is not the one? She could be a threat to us."
    Eric ventured the suggestion cautiously, even as Celeste's fingers dug warningly into his arm.
    Mikhail's dark eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you believe I have grown lazy, bloated with my own power?
    Do you think so little of me that I could be in her mind and not recognize a threat to us? I warn you, I am willing to step down as your leader, but I am not willing to withdraw my protection of her. If any of you wish to harm her, know that you will deal with me. Do you wish me to pass on the mantle of leadership?
    I weary of my duties and responsibilities."
    "Mikhail!" Byron's voice was a sharp protest.
    The others voiced quick, alarmed denials, like frightened children. Jacques was the only one who stood silently, one hip lazily resting against the wall, regarding Mikhail with a secret mocking half-smile. Mikhail ignored him.
    "It is nearly sunrise. All of you go to ground. Use every guard possible. When you awaken, check around your dwelling; feel for intruders. Do not overlook the slightest incident. We must stay in close communication and watch each other."
    "Mikhail, the first year is so critical, so many of our children do not survive." Celeste's fingers were twisting nervously within her husband's hand. "I am not sure Dierdre could bear another loss."
    Mikhail's smile was gentle. "She will guard the child as no other, and Tienn will be twice as watchful as any other. He has been trying to get Dierdre to conceive and she has refused. At least this way, her arms will not be empty."
    "And she will long for another child," Celeste said angrily.
    "If our race is to continue, we must have children. As much as I would like to provide them, it is only our women who can produce such a miracle."
    "It is heartbreaking to lose so many, Mikhail," Celeste pointed out.
    "For all of us, Celeste." His tone was final, and no one dared to argue or question. His authority was absolute, his rage and grief beyond boundaries. Not only Rand had failed to protect Noelle, a young, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter,
    beautiful, vibrant woman, but her life had been lost because of some sadistic game Rand and Noelle had played together. He knew that he was every bit as responsible as Rand for Noelle's

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