Carried Forward By Hope

Carried Forward By Hope by Ginny Dye

Book: Carried Forward By Hope by Ginny Dye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginny Dye
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comprehend herself.
    Carrie supposed she understood the anger that had resulted in the attacks, but she also knew it had been completely misplaced — black anger spilling over onto white men who had nothing to do with Lincoln’s assassination. She also knew it would do nothing but make it harder for Richmond to heal the deep divisions over race.
    “The war is supposed to be over!” Janie said angrily.
    Carrie shrugged, relieved when another wounded soldier called her over.
    “Are you Mrs. Borden?” The question came from a skinny lad with shaggy brown hair and piercing brown eyes. His right arm was splinted, and bruises and welts covered his body.
    “Yes, I am,” Carrie said gently. “What can I do for you?”
    “My name is Alex. I served with your husband.”
    Carrie reached down to grasp his hands. “I’m so sorry you’re hurt.”
    Alex shook his head. “I’ll be all right. I been hurt worse lots of times. I called you over here to ask about Captain Borden. I was the one who got him to the hospital wagon. He was pretty bad off. How is he, ma’am?”
    Carrie’s heart swelled with gratitude as tears filled her eyes. “Alex…” she murmured as she squeezed his hands tightly. “I’ve always wanted someone to thank. All they told me was that someone got Robert into the wagon and said to make sure he got help quickly.”
    “I wish I could have done more, ma’am.” Alex hesitated. “The captain…?
    “Is doing just fine,” Carrie said firmly, deciding to not reveal how tenuous his health was. “He was very sick, but he’s getting better every day.” She leaned down to kiss Alex softly on the brow. “He has you to thank for that. As do I.”
    Alex smiled. “I sure am glad, Mrs. Borden. Captain Borden is a fine man.” He looked up into her eyes shyly. “He used to talk about you all the time. Now I know why. You’re even prettier than he said.”
    Carrie smiled softly.
    Alex wasn’t done. “The captain just wouldn’t stop,” he said. “I knew he was getting real sick, but all he could think about was all of us. We didn’t hardly get to eat, but he ate even less. He wanted to make sure we had all we could. I tried to get him to eat, but he would just say he was fine.” He frowned. “I knew he wasn’t. He held on ‘til it was all over. Then it was just kinda like he gave up. I knew all he wanted was to get back home to you.”
    Carrie made no attempt to stop the tears rolling down her face. “Thank you so much, Alex,” she whispered. “It’s because of you that my husband is still alive.” Her breath caught. “And then you were attacked!”
    Alex shrugged again. “Like I said, I been hurt way worse. Can I get out of here soon? I’m eager to get back home to my farm.” He paused, a shadow coming into his eyes. “If it’s still there. I know lots of places aren’t.”
    Carrie could tell his thoughts were far away. Her heart ached at the look of yearning on his face. “I hope it’s still there for you, Alex,” she murmured, unable to keep her thoughts from flying to the fields of Cromwell Plantation. “You are going to get a chance to start over.”
    “Yes, ma’am, I reckon I am,” Alex said wearily. “Things sure didn’t turn out the way we hoped, but at least I’m still alive. My arm may be broken, but at least I still have it. That’s more than I can say for a lot of the fellas.”
    Carrie pressed his hands again. “You’ve got a whole life ahead of you,” she whispered through her tears. “If my husband or I can ever do anything for you, please let us know.”
    Alex smiled. “Thank you for that, ma’am. It’s enough just to know the captain is okay. You tell him I said hello.”
    “I will,” Carrie promised. “I know he would want to come down, but he’s still too ill.”
    Alex nodded. “Just knowing is enough. I reckon I’ll be out of here in a day or two. I’m going to head home right away. I’d already be close except for them soldiers attacking me,

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