Castle Death

Castle Death by Joe Dever Page B

Book: Castle Death by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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presence as if the sight of you were as repulsive to them as the sight of them is to you.
    Turn to 346 .

    As the Beastman crashes to the floor, two more come rushing in from the cell compound. They growl with anger at the sight of their dead comrade-in-arms and launch themselves in a fearsome attack.
    Beastman Gaoler No. 1: COMBAT SKILL  17    ENDURANCE  23
    Beastman Gaoler No. 2: COMBAT SKILL  16    ENDURANCE  21
    If you win the combat, turn to 80 .

    The iron door is several inches thick and will demand a tremendous effort to raise it high enough off the floor for you to escape underneath it.
    To raise the door follow the normal combat rules as if you were unarmed (subtract 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL total). If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you need not deduct any points from your COMBAT SKILL score. Any ENDURANCE points that you lose during this ‘combat’ represent the fatigue you suffer as you strain to lift the heavy door. 9
    Tunnel Door: COMBAT SKILL  19    ENDURANCE ( RESISTANCE points) 50
    You may cease ‘combat’ at any time and explore the tunnel instead; turn to 277 .
    If you reduce the door's RESISTANCE ( ENDURANCE ) to 0, turn to 114 .
    [9] It is unclear, but you may be able to use the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge to aid you in this fight (cf.
The Kingdoms of Terror
Section 259).

    As you peer at the horrible hand, it suddenly leaps at your face. You scream with terror, instinctively lashing out to deflect its attack. You strike it hard and send it spinning towards the green pillars and the passage beyond. Just as it draws level with the pillars the hand explodes: it has spun straight into an invisible barrier of destructive energy that flows between the pillars. As the hand disintegrates into thousands of tiny fragments you feel elated that, at last, victory is yours.
    Turn to 334 .

    The strength of your Kai Mastery overcomes the pain that tears at your mind, and you swiftly regain full control of your body. Snatching up your weapon from the hot black sand, you lash out at the tendril, severing its tip. But instead of blood, or what would pass for blood in the body of this ghastly creature, a flame sparks into life like a sputtering fuse. The brain ceases to move, hovering motionless above the sand, as the spitting flame burns fiercely along its thin tube of sundered flesh.
    Turn to 170 .

    The first bubble bursts with a loud bang that causes the creature to howl with fear. You watch as the great black hound scrambles to a halt, its horrible face lined with fear. Whimpering pitifully it backs slowly up the corridor. At the corner it howls with frustration before slinking away out of sight.
    Turn to 151 .

    You lash out at the monster's eyelid and open a terrible wound. But before you can deal another a bolt of red fire screams down from the grating, hits your shoulder, and paralyses your whole arm with a sickening pain. You reel back, your weapon clattering to the ground as your fingers are robbed of all feeling (lose 6 ENDURANCE points).
    The snake writhes and twists in blind rage, its open jaws seeking you out to exact its revenge. It soon picks up your scent and attacks with frightening speed.
    Giant Hactaraton: COMBAT SKILL  20    ENDURANCE  45
    Your weapon lies on the ground near your feet, and you must deduct 4 points from your COMBAT SKILL total for the first two rounds of combat. If you are still alive at the beginning of the third round, you can retrieve your weapon. Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing double all ENDURANCE points that you lose during the combat, due to the venomous bite of your enemy.
    If you win the fight, turn to 21 .

    Your companion rolls the body over and unsheathes a Short Sword and a Dagger from the belt. You may take the Axe that was used in combat and the Dagger, if you wish.

    At the bottom of the stairs is a deserted hallway at the end of which are two great doors of gleaming bronze.

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