
Chartreuse by T. E. Ridener

Book: Chartreuse by T. E. Ridener Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. E. Ridener
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ended well.  She was always yelling at him or someone
else, and she never watched the road like she should have.  He had feared for
his life more than once.
        But as Rowan backed up and then turned, heading back
down the hill, Kasen didn’t feel nearly as threatened.  Rowan seemed like a
semi-cautious driver, and for that; Kasen was grateful.  He relaxed in his
seat, glancing around.  It was totally different from his mother’s car.  Clean,
well-kept, and the smell wasn’t so bad either.  Actually, it smelled nice.  He
was confident he could smell Rowan’s cologne, and it tantalized his senses for
a moment, making him feel a little dizzy.
         He chewed at his bottom lip, watching as Rowan
leaned over to turn on the radio.  “I hope you don’t mind,” Rowan said.  Kasen
was pleased to discover that the instrumental playlist he’d pre-set up was
playing on the radio, something he did every night so that everyone could rest
better instead of focusing on lyrics.  So Rowan really did like listening to
his station.  He smiled stupidly so, giving a small shrug. 
         “No, of course not,” He nodded.  “That’s
entirely fine by me,” His face was heating up with a blush, and he was glad
that Rowan couldn’t see that.
         They drove in silence for a few moments, the
heat from the vents warming Kasen’s chilled fingers and cheeks as he became
more relaxed.  He glanced over at Rowan occasionally, who was one hundred
percent focused on the road.  He licked his lips as he finally spoke.  “So,
this is a really nice car.” 
         “You think so?”  Rowan asked with a grin.  It
was that same damn grin from earlier.  It made Kasen feel like he couldn’t
move.  It was as if it magically paralyzed him. 
         “Yeah,” Kasen replied with a nod.  “I like it a
lot.  Of course, my dream car is a jeep.  I don’t know why, I’ve just always
wanted one.”
         “Jeeps are good,” Rowan nodded, stopping at the
stop sign and then looking both ways before he shot across and continued on his
way.  “My cousin lives in Mississippi.  He likes to take his ‘muddin’, as he
calls it,” He chuckled lightly.
         “Oh yeah. A lot of guys do that here, too,”
Kasen replied.  He liked that chuckle.  But he had to be careful, because he
couldn’t be hitting on someone who had potential to be a friend.  They got
along, didn’t they?  And Kasen really wouldn’t complain if he could make a
         It was quiet for a few more moments as Rowan
drove down Main Street, their sleepy little town dark and abandoned until the
sun would come up.  Rowan stopped at a stop light and then looked over at Kasen
again.  “So where do you live?”
         “I live off of Davenport Street,” Kasen
nodded.  “It’s still a good ways from here though.”
         Rowan lifted a brow, “And you walk that every
night to work?”
         Kasen bit his lip, “Nah.  I normally just get a
ride from the small taxi service offered around here,” Even though it wasn’t
even a taxi service.  It was more like Old Man Parker and his mini-van.  But he
was cheap and he didn’t mind the hours in which Kasen needed him.
         “Well, at least you don’t have to walk it,”
Rowan nodded.  They were headed down the road again when Rowan suddenly spoke. 
“Would you like to get breakfast with me?”  He asked.
         Kasen laughed a bit, “I’m not sure if you’ve
noticed, but there aren’t any places open this time of night.”
         Rowan smiled a little, glancing at him again
before putting his eyes back on the road, “Who said it had to be here?”
         Kasen lifted a brow.  Where else would they
go?  He didn’t question Rowan as he headed towards the interstate.  Kasen was
simply along for the ride at this point, and he wasn’t complaining.
         Was he really doing this?  Had he really

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