Chase Me

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Book: Chase Me by Tamara Hogan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Hogan
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
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cart groaning with computer equipment over the lip of the elevator that led to Sebastiani Labs’ sub-basement, where the backbone of its network resided.
    “Because she’s the best,” Lorin said simply. “She actually works for Lukas, and he’s billing Elliott through the nose for her time.”
    “Quite a gig,” Gabe said. “Knowing Jack Kirkland certainly can’t hurt.” He couldn’t keep the cynicism out of his voice.
    “Bailey would die before disappointing him. He’s her family.”
    After an uncomfortable silence, Lorin gestured to the fire pit. “Mike and Paige will continue this work when they arrive.”
    “They were here last year?”
    Lorin nodded. “Most of the crew is returning this year.”
    “No humans on the crew, right?”
    He nodded with approval. “Nice to have some experienced hands.” Yesterday Gabe had pulled and reviewed their applications himself. Mike Gill’s scholastic interest was forensic anthropology, and by all indications he was an impressive student, but Gabe’s long-dormant teaching instincts were piqued by Paige Scott, a faerie geologist who didn’t yet realize she’d be working on the discovery of the ages. Ms. Scott had done some very solid work last summer—potentially leadership-caliber work. Her signature had appeared on the most recent sonar, radar, and magnetic and metal detection assays, and her field reports were meticulously written. If he could trust Paige’s work, the box Lorin had found a couple of days ago hadn’t caused even the slightest ping during last year’s ground-penetrating radar sweep.
    What kind of properties did such a metal have that it evaded all their tests? Gabe couldn’t wait to get back to SL and get his hands on the thing. If the schedule he and Julianna had worked out held, he’d have to wait a couple of weeks, but the thrill of the academic hunt already coursed through him, made him shift on his feet.
    The discovery of the ages. The Lupinsky family, those damaged mutts, would have their place in the history book. A mere footnote, to be sure, but his name would be linked with Lorin’s for all posterity. The idea both satisfied and disturbed him.
    “You’re shivering,” Lorin said. “Let’s head for the sauna.”
    Gabe swallowed to lubricate his suddenly dry throat. “Okay.”
    Lorin led the way, backtracking on the trail they’d taken to get here, and veering off on a side trail that led to the sauna sitting at the edge of the site’s small lake. “We’ll put the dock in and the raft out once it gets a little bit warmer,” Lorin said, indicating several large tarp-covered mounds near the shore.
    He followed her into the sauna, a weathered wooden building that definitely looked like it had been there awhile, shivering in pleasure as cedar-scented heat bled into him. The sauna had the traditional two-room configuration, a changing area and steaming area, with a door in between. The changing area had a curtain that could be drawn to provide privacy, but it was frayed and dusty with disuse. Storage cubbies tic-tac-toed up one wall, and three were currently in use. He’d brought his swimsuit and his toiletries up earlier, and Lorin’s things already filled two squares. Amongst the shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and other detritus of femininity was a tiny mound of Baywatch -red fabric that hadn’t been there yesterday.
    Swimsuits, then.
    His eyes widened as Lorin reached for the zipper of her fleece jacket. Did she mean to strip down right here in front of him? Nudity wasn’t necessarily sexual in their society, but… sometimes it damn well was. He glanced at the curtain in quiet panic. How would he ever be able to face her across a conference room table if he saw her naked? If she saw him naked?
    He swallowed with a quiet click. If she could do this, so could he.
    Gabe toed off his running shoes, placing them neatly next to hers. Socks next. Taking a deep breath, he reached for the zipper of his jacket—just as

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