Chasing Soma

Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Page B

Book: Chasing Soma by Amy Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Robyn
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turned sixteen. I still can’t believe how lucky I was when he asked me out the first time.
    I have been sick for three days with the flu. I am finally feeling human again but I have missed so much school work that I will be spending every free minute in the library for the rest of the week to catch up. It’s alright, it’s not like I have much of a social life. I have the brightest red hair and if that isn’t bad enough, I also have eyes that are almost too large for my face. Thankfully, I do not have many freckles. Just a few across my nose and cheeks.
    The worst problem is that I am horribly shy. I can’t talk to a boy without him being a brother to a friend or a teacher. I am afraid I will never have a boyfriend. I do have the world’s biggest crush on the boy in my math class. He has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. He caught me looking at him one time and I thought I would die. My cheeks were so red, I could feel the heat coming off of them. He just smiled at me.
    I am sure the poor guy felt sorry for me of course. I am hardly noticeable. I shake my head to clear my thoughts of Chase. It’s not like I would ever even have a chance with him. I pull out my books and quietly start in on the work I missed. I am nearly finished with a math assignment when I hear the chair across from me being pulled out. I startle and look up into those beautiful blue eyes that I fantasize about.
    “Is anyone sitting here?” He whispers. I shake my head as I feel my cheeks flush with heat again. Only he seems to elicit such a response from me. I am shy with everyone but only he can make me blush.
    “Good. I missed seeing you the last few days. Were you sick?” He asks as though he genuinely wants to know. I am shocked for a moment before answering him.
    “Yes, I had the flu.” He winces though he never takes his eyes off of me.
    “I heard it was terrible. Everyone seems to be catching it.” He leans forward and takes my hand that is sitting on top of my book.
    “I am glad you’re better.” He says with a smile and those dimples of his pop out. I nearly groan at how beautiful he is. I know guys hate being called beautiful. I can’t think of a better word though. He is chiseled to perfection, both his body and his face. Those eyes are only the cherry on top. I could stare at him all day long.
    “You do?” I stupidly ask. I am just thankful I didn’t do my nervous giggle snort. I hate when I do that.
    “Yeah, I like seeing you every day. You’re very pretty.” I nearly fall out of my seat when he says this. I have never been called that. Though, to be fair, I am normally too shy to even make eye contact with a boy.
    “Really?” I ask. God do I sound as desperate as I think I do? I hope not.
    “Very. I was wondering if you have a date for homecoming.” He asks and I am so stunned that I do not answer for a moment. I am stunned. He gets an uncomfortable look and I realize he is waiting for my answer.
    “No I don’t have a date.” I tell him as I look down at our clasped hands. His golden skin against my ivory flesh is striking.
    “Will you go with me?” He asks. I quickly look up to see if he is serious. He looks nervous and I know without a doubt that he really does like me.
    “Yesiwillgowithyou.” I say so quickly that it comes out sounding like one word. He chuckles.
    “I think that was a yes.” He says with a large grin that shows both of his dimples and has me swooning in my seat.
    “Yes.” I nod my head along with my answer. He is positively beaming at me now.
    “Do you have a cell phone?” He asks and I nod as I pull my phone out of my back pocket. He takes it from me and enters his number. He hits send and his phone starts ringing before he ends the call.
    “There now you have my number and I have yours.” He tells me as he hands my phone back to me.
    “Now, what are you working on? I would like to help.” He says as he pulls his chair in further and leans in to see what I am

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