Children of the Sun and Moon
nothing but the book. Koral started to push out the things around
her as Gillock had taught her.

    First, she got
rid of the furniture then the rest of the room slowly began to
disappear. Finally, she blocked out everything about Gillock except
his voice. The only thing left was her and the book. “Think of
nothing but the book,” came Gillock's voice again. She was
concentrating harder now but still nothing was happening. Just as
she was about to give up, words started to appear.

    They appeared
slowly at first, popping up in different areas on the page. Then
they started leaping onto the page faster than Koral could keep
track. She tried to read them, but they were in a different
language. Concentrating harder she noticed the words started to
make sense. They were talking about the past. Wizards, dragons, and
magic dominated the text and to Koral, it appeared to be a history
of Melarandra. The book mostly focused on the Central Lands but it
also talked about the western, eastern and even the southern lands.
Some things made sense to her, but most of it was just a jumbled
mess. The book felt like it was enveloping her and then she could
think of nothing else.

watching her from across the table, decided to prepare things for
Koral. Reading the book for the first time usually took a few
hours, and rarely made sense. It would also drain her of all her
strength. He was very pleased she could read it. Only those who
possessed a potent type of magic had been able to decipher it.
Koral was far more powerful than Gillock had thought. He went back
to his tasks. She was going to be on a journey soon and he wanted
to make sure everything was ready for when she left. Malena, he was
sure, was watching their every move so he had to make sure they did
everything just right.

    When Koral
returned to the conscious world, she was exhausted. The sun was up
and it looked like it was early morning. “How long was I reading?”
she inquired.
    “Almost four
hours,” Gillock responded.
    Koral was
stunned. It had only felt like a few minutes and it had been hours.
Koral also realized she could not remember a thing about what she
read. “I cannot seem to remember what it said.”
    Gillock sat
down opposite her. “The first time you read it, you use up a lot of
your energy just trying to concentrate on it. The more often you
read it the easier it becomes and you start to remember some of it.
Some things you read are stored in your subconscious memory and
show themselves when they are needed.”
    “So it is a
spell book?”
    Gillock stared
at her. “It’s many things; a spell book, a history book, and a map.
It holds the key to where the Wizard’s School is.”
    Koral gasped.
She could not believe it. She had read about the Wizard's School in
her books. It was one of the first places destroyed by the Magima
after the war. It was supposed to have untold magic inside. There
had been rumours the school they destroyed was a false one and now
it appears they were true. “The Wizard’s School still exists?”
    “Yes, but it's
hidden,” he responded. “You need to go there.”
    Koral did not
know what to think. So many things she did not understand were
    Gillock, seeing
just how exhausted Koral was, decided to change the subject. “Today
we are going to study your magical abilities. Your mother is a very
powerful sorceress and you have seen what your brother can do. We
just need to see what you can do.”
    Koral just
stared at Gillock. “So it is my mother who possesses magic,” she
    “Yes, but there
is more to that story as well. We shall discuss her at another
time, but for now, you must rest. You’ll need a lot of strength if
you’re going to practice today.”
    “I am quite
tired,” she mumbled, sleepily. “I will go to my room and have a
    Gillock watched
as she stumbled out of his room and headed towards hers. “So much
time lost.”

    Gillock let
Koral sleep until early afternoon. Today

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