Choosing Rena
    “Of course, Máister.” Nisey blushed
slightly as Caelan pulled her down onto his lap.
    “She has been a kaló korítsi, Kýrie
Dorherty . She even
introduced me to your échase ton
ánthro̱po ” Then
Zhenya rattled off a few more sentences in Greek.
    “Whoa, in dire need of a translator
here…” Caelan laughed.
    “She said Nisey was a good
girl and introduced her to a lost man…I’m assuming she meant me.”
Gabriel joined them at the table, a rueful smile on his face very
reminiscent of the man Jackson remembered before Sara had died.
“Very observant on her part…” His eyes saddened, though a moment
later, Jackson saw a glimpse of the old Gabriel as he stared at
Zhenya. “…but unfortunately not something she can fix as she
wishes. It was a pleasure to meet you ,
mikrí̱ but I have other customers to attend
to.” Nodding briefly to the men, he walked away.
    “I’ll show him, little one.” Zhenya’s
eyes narrowed, her brow furrowed as her gaze followed Gabriel’s
retreating back. Somehow Jackson had a feeling that Gabriel’s days
of mourning Sara were going to be over sooner than the Greek man
    Nisey forced a smile to defuse the
situation before quickly introducing everyone around the table.
Jackson didn’t even protest when Nisey sat her guest next to him.
Instead he launched into a conversation about what area of Greece
she was from, listening avidly as she talked about her home in
Xavia, a town on the island of Crete.
    * * * *
    “Don’t let him get to you, Zhenya,”
Nisey told her as they waited outside the restaurant, referring to
the distant manner Gabriel had treated Zhenya with as they’d
checked out.
    “Yes, give him time. He’s not always
such a distant ass,” Olivia agreed. “Most of the time, he’s a just
dominating one.”
    As the girls broke out in
laughter, Jackson marveled at them. Even with Olivia being a Domme,
there were some things that never changed…women loved to gossip.
Catching Micah’s eye, they separated far enough that even though
they were still standing behind them, they were able to protect the
ladies if something happened. While the location of Pínaka ti̱s Mi̱téras was
a good one and relatively crime free, he still couldn’t fight the
urge to protect the women - particularly when Jude and Caelan had
gone to fetch the cars which were parked nearly a block
away. Exactly what we get for coming to
Gabriel’s on a Friday night, but at least the munch was a success –
even if the majority of the regulars came to check up on
    The cell on his hip vibrated. Reaching
for it, he frowned at the display. Flipping it up this ear, he
answered. “Don’t tell me you’ve dropped your keys down a sewer
drain again, Jude.”
    “It only happened once you, prick.”
Jude seemed on edge. “I need you to get the women back inside. Tell
Olivia it isn’t safe to be outside. Some asshole vandalized our
car. Call me back when they’re secured. This is a Safe Haven
    “Gotcha.” Snapping his phone shut, he
caught Micah’s eye, before using a tone he learned while in the
Rangers. “We need to get inside A.S.A.P., people. We need Safe
Haven, now!” He gently grabbed Zhenya’s arm, since she was the
closest and pushed her towards the door. Opening it, he interrupted
the hostess who was getting ready to seat a couple and told her to
go grab Gabriel. When she opened her mouth to protest, he glared at
her. “Get him now! This is an emergency!” He parked Zhenya on one
of the benches inside the foyer as the hostess stomped off. Nisey
sank down beside her.
    “No protest from you?” Jackson was
    Nisey shook her head.
“Nope. You wouldn’t corral us back in without a reason, and
whatever’s going on must be pretty bad if you’re invoking the Safe
Haven law.” She gave him a smirk. “Besides it’s easier to sit here
like a good girl than have my bottom warmed by Máister for putting myself in

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