Choosing Rena
    “Good girl.” He scowled as he realized
Olivia wasn’t in the foyer with the rest of the women. Outside the
door he could hear Olivia arguing with Micah. “Unlike that God damn
Duchess.” He gave them both a direct look. “When Gabriel comes up,
tell him it’s a Safe Haven situation. He’ll understand and protect
you until Jude or Caelan arrive.”
    Even though Gabriel wasn’t active in
the lifestyle at the moment, a sub asking for a safe haven wouldn’t
be ignored. It was a change that had been added to the club’s code
of conduct after the fiasco Nisey had endured a couple of years
back with her first overzealous Dom. It didn’t matter if it was
because of abuse by a known master, or if it was an unknown Dom or
Domme; it gave refuge to the sub and protected him or her until the
issue could be resolved in a peaceable manner. In fact, it was a
code everyone at Olivia’s had to abide by if they wanted to be a
member. Gabriel was still an active member.
    When he spotted Gabriel weaving his
way through the dining room with the irate hostess, he yanked open
the door, only to hear Micah pleading with his Mistress to come
back inside. As usual, the stubborn-assed woman wanted to dive
headfirst into whatever was happening.
    “Duchess, get your ass inside before I
take that damn crop you have in your purse to your own backside.”
Jackson gritted his teeth as Olivia froze.
    “And just who the hell do you think
you’re talking to, Jackson Frederick Levough?”
    “My stubborn assed aunt who
won’t even follow the simplest of requests. For God’s Sake, you
wrote the damn Safe Haven law. You know what it means!” He stomped
up to her. “So we can do this one of two ways. Either you go in
peaceably, or I’ll take you inside and let Jude and Micah deal with
you… after. ”
    Her nostrils flared. “You seem to
forget I’m a Domme and should be doing the protecting while
    He raked his hand through his hair.
“…the men you promised to listen to when it comes to your safety.
So please, go inside with Nisey and Zhenya while Jude and I deal
with this.” He softened his tone. “Someone vandalized your car,
Olivia. And it must be bad if Jude thought you were in danger and
asked specifically for you to be inside with the rest of the
    She gave a sigh. “Fine, but I expect a
full report of what happened as usual.” Another stipulation for
club members; if there was a Safe Haven called then the
investigating Doms, or in this case Jude and Caelan, they had to
file a report to Olivia. It was one way to keep actual abusers out
of the clubs and from praying on unsuspecting subs.
    “It’ll be done,” he was quick to
assure her. “Now, I imagine, Ms. Zhenya would love an explanation
of exactly what the law is, considering I told her and Nisey to
invoke it when Gabriel arrives.”
    Olivia nodded. “As a newbie, she needs
to be aware of the law.”
    Jackson held his breath as she
re-entered the restaurant. Next to him Micah gave a relieved sigh.
“Damn that was close. Why does she have to be so damned
    “I have no idea.” Dialing Jude back,
he waited for his partner to answer.
    “Is everyone secure?” Jude’s tone was
    “Yep, all secure, although I still
think you need to paddle Olivia harder the next time she gives you
shit about her safety. That woman can teach stubborn to a mule. Now
tell me what’s going. Why the hell did you call a code “Safe Haven”
over a simple act of vandalism?”
    “Because of what was spray painted on
the passenger side door and hood of the car.”
    “What’s it say?” Dread filled his
    “Well the lighting isn’t the best but
on the hood it looks like it says, ‘Death to all freaks! Doms and
subs alike.’ And there are several gang symbols on the car
    “Son of a bitch. How the hell did they
know we’re in the lifestyle? It’s not like we wear a huge sign
saying we’re into BDSM. This is

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