brought his head up into her stomach. She staggered back from the surprise and grabbed his head. She shoved him into the ground face first, cracking his spine and killing him instantly. Distantly she was aware of another part of her trying to take control. Suddenly that part of her managed to break through. Max ended up screaming in terror at the sight before her but before anything else happened she reigned in that distant part of her retook control of her body. After that, she looked down at the body in front of her and smiled cruelly. She now understood why she had her super powers, and she was going to fulfill that purpose.
Chapter 7: Training
Max sat calmly in the chair at the police station. She was in the interrogation room and the detectives were pestering her with questions about the man she killed. Of course, they didn't know that she had killed him. They thought she was just a person who had stumbled upon his body. And she was playing the part perfectly. Tears were streaming down her face to add to the performance and the officers were buying every bit of it. "Is this your full statement?" The officer asked. Max nodded and let a few more tears run from her eyes for dramatic effect. "Very well. We need you to sign this slip of paper confirming that the recording we have here of this interview is your full statement. It's just a bit of legal shit that we have to worry about. Sign right here." The officer said, pointing to a line as she signed. Max shakily signed the line, making her signature illegible. Max had claimed that she'd walked into the room to find the body on the floor and the police had believed her. This interrogation was a formality for them to have an official account of her version of the story. Then she'd be able to leave and begin preparations for training her newfound super powers. It only took a few more minutes and a very intense ride in a police car back to the school for Max to finally be done with the police. They dropped her off right out in front of the school where a security guard was waiting. He escorted Max to her dorm room. Since the student governments president had been found dead the school board had threatened to shut down the school again. They'd already pulled a fourth of the funding for the school and pushed it into security guards themselves via an old charter rule allowing the school board to take over the schools funding in cases of emergency. The guards were posted at every building as well as the school parking lot and all students arriving after a day out on the town were to be escorted by at least one security guard back to their dorm rooms. They'd also made the curfew stricter and required that all students be in the dorm hall before sunset. Additionally the guards would patrol at random times and check to make sure no student was trying to sneak out. That bothered Max slightly because she still had a job to take care of. One that required her to be off campus until midnight. With her new powers it was unlikely she'd be hindered in any way, but it was still possible. She entered her dorm room and booted up her computer. She scowled through the entire 5 minute bootup process and then logged in before going about browsing the local sale ads. She would need some supplies to help her out with her training for her powers. But she couldn't afford to spend too much on the equipment she needed. So she was buying all of it used, assuming everything she needed could be found in the local or online sales ads. ########## Max smiled at the equipment before her. She'd found a good bit of training equipment for really cheap on the local ads. The only problem had been that she had to drag it all the way back to the factory without any help, which had taken hours. It was now midnight and she was just finishing setting it all up. Max desperately wished she could start her training tonight but she wanted to have a proper training plan, so she left after setting it all up and