Cleats in Clay

Cleats in Clay by Jackson Cordd Page A

Book: Cleats in Clay by Jackson Cordd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackson Cordd
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Gay, Contemporary
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He stopped, suddenly aware of someone watching him. The french doors opened and Odis stepped in. “Don’t stop. Just had to see what had Heim all bugged out.” Odis gazed at Bobby’s athletic body. His bare thighs and calves looked so solid, not at all overbuilt.
“Four, two, three, four.” Bobby could still feel Odis’s observing eyes study him. “That’s kinda distracting.”
Odis motioned to the cabinet by the hot tub. “There’s towels and stuff in there, and the tub should be primed if ya wanna use it after.”
Bobby stopped and sat up. “What was that about Heim?”
“She was in a tizzy about something, thought maybe somebody was at the gate. But she pointed over here when I got outside.”
“She sure is a friendly dog,” Bobby said.
    “Friendly?” Odis crinkled his brow. “Wouldn’t call her that. She’s kinda aloof, except for Gertie.”
“She’s friendly to me. Always runs out to the gate and wants to ride in the car.” Bobby moved his right knee, spreading his legs open a bit farther as he readjusted on the bench.
“I’ll be damned.” Odis glanced hungrily over Bobby once more. “I’ll clear out and let ya get back to it. Just come in the house when you’re done. I might be layin’ down, but just come on in anyway.”
“All right.” Bobby lay back down on the bench.
Damn . Bobby forgot how many reps he’d done. He started over. “Pull, two three, four.”
    Odis turned back. “Why do you count that way?”
Bobby stopped again and glanced over. “Best technique.” Odis looked confused.
“First stroke is force, then hold it for one count, and release slower
    over two counts. Maximizes the workout if you double the resistance.” “Never heard of that. Is it something new?”
Bobby sat up as he thought back. “Don’t think so, been doing it
    awhile. We got workout critiques every year at spring training, so don’t remember when exactly.” Bobby could practically feel the caress of Odis’s eyes as he studied his body again. Something in Bobby’s shorts twitched.
    “Oh.” Odis hesitated.
Bobby took his hands off the bar and watched Odis.
Odis couldn’t take his eyes off those legs—or the basket of his
    shorts. “Maybe you could show me sometime.”
“I’d be happy to….” Bobby smiled as he noticed where Odis’s gaze
had landed. “Maybe right now. If you’d like.”
Odis licked his lips. “Sure. If you’d like.” He took a step forward. With a mischievous grin, Bobby raised his arms and put his hands
back on the bar. Odis brought his eyes up and saw the lines of Bobby’s
tightened pectorals under the snug T-shirt. Odis took another step closer. Bobby tightened his grip on the bar and flexed his pecs, his nipples
shrinking in excitement as his chest muscles bulged under the tight fabric.
Odis seemed mesmerized by the demonstration as he took another step
“Pull.” Bobby pulled down on the bar, the muscles of his arms and
shoulders bunching with the effort. “Two,” he said while holding the bar
down right in front of his navel.
Odis’s gaze flitted from the bulging arms to the tightened shoulders
and back to the squeezing pectorals. He didn’t know where to look. Shifting on the bench, Bobby opened his thighs farther apart,
providing more room for his swelling erection. Odis followed the
movement and watched Bobby’s growing basket. Odis stepped up next to
the bench and then looked into Bobby’s face.
“Three,” Bobby said as he slowly raised the bar up level with his
nipples. As his eyes locked with Odis’s, Bobby’s grin softened at the
enchantment he saw in those blue eyes.
Odis breathed in the musky, working scent of Bobby as he stood so
close. Unconsciously, Odis reached a hand down to adjust his own
swelling jeans.
“Four.” Bobby raised the bar the remaining distance.
Odis put a hand on each of Bobby’s shoulders and then squeezed
slightly, feeling the strong muscles as he leaned in for a kiss.
Their lips touched, and

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