Club Mephisto
her, perhaps in a kind of sympathy. "Don't worry. You'll be okay. Speech restriction is just one more tool to help you give yourself up to me. One more layer of yourself to submit."
    "Yes, Master," she murmured against his palm. Again she was fascinated by his eyes, so deep and beautiful. She was even more fascinated by the way he looked at her. He leaned in closer and startled her by brushing a kiss across her lips. Her tiny gasp was swallowed up by a deeper, harder kiss, and then she was roughly pressed against him, held in strong arms, the same arms that had just held her down and hurt her. She made a soft whimpering sound at that thought, and he released her. The moment was tense, and Molly felt terribly confused by the way she wanted him as much as she feared him. She touched her lips, feeling marked by his beauty and power.
    " honor me," she said softly in the silence.
    He watched her another long moment, and she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. But then he shook himself from his seeming trance and started to unbutton his jeans. "You arouse me," he answered. A light touch on her shoulder had her falling to her knees. She sat and waited as he rolled on a condom, and then opened as he placed a firm hand on the back of her neck.
    * * * * *
    She spent the next few hours cleaning Club Mephisto, banishing every speck of dust and polishing every surface. He didn't just watch—he helped too, disinfecting toys and implements while wearing latex gloves. Molly had never thought about how filthy a sex club like Mephisto's might get without careful maintenance.
    He fed her once more, sometime just before dinner, she guessed, based on the rumbles in her stomach. Again, she ate kneeling on the floor, fed by his hand. He told her that she'd be put away for the evening, since Saturday night was the club's busiest night, and he wasn't of a mind to be keeping an eye on her.
    By put away, Molly guessed he meant the cage.
    After that, people started to arrive. Mephisto's employees...bouncers and bartenders, some of them people she used to know when she was on Mephisto's payrolls. He leashed her and led her around on her hands and knees as he spoke with his employees. She felt terribly exposed. She was still plugged from their scene that morning. She was no stranger to long-term plugging, but it humiliated her when people made comments about the end of the toy sticking out of her ass. Her cheeks were freshly whipped, sore and no doubt glaringly scarlet. One of the bouncers, one she used to know quite well, commented that he'd love to squeeze them.
    "Have at it," Mephisto offered. "In fact, she's been plugged for some time. Why don't you make use of her ass while it's nice and opened?"
    So right there, with the employees coming and going, punching time cards and chatting, the bouncer—Josh—knelt behind her on the floor and fucked her after Mephisto removed the anal toy. A small group gathered to watch but Molly just focused on Mephisto's shoes in front of her, and the leash hanging down from his hand. Somehow she felt like this was bearable as long as he didn't leave her here alone.
    But he wouldn't leave. He had promised to return her to her Master in good condition, so he would monitor anyone who used her. Fortunately, Josh wasn't rough, and he finished relatively quickly, slapping her ass to dismiss her once he was done.
    Without a word, Mephisto led her back to his rooms with instructions to shower and prepare for bed. Later, another silent, lovely girl came to gesture her into the cage and lock the padlock. Alone again in the dark, Molly contemplated her first day as Mephisto's temporary slave. She felt used up, and very tired. Her ass was still sore but at least she was free of the intrusive plug.
    As she closed her eyes she could hear faint noise from the club: the low trance music, the repetitive thuds of contact play, and an occasional yelp or scream. She fingered her smooth metal collar, wondering

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