Code Black
through the seismic disturbance caused by the airplane’s impact with the ground.”
    Lauren’s brow furrowed as she forced herself to follow what Calvin was trying to say.
    “Steven accessed the United States Geological Survey’s seismic array. As you know, basically, the entire planet is wired to detect even the slightest earthquake or tremor. The crash of the plane was recorded and triangulated by the sensitive earthquake detection array. The impact registered like a small-scale earthquake.”
    “But you told me you’re still looking for Donovan’s plane.” Lauren’s spirits soared. “Are you telling me there’s only been one seismic disturbance—as in one crash?”
    “Exactly,” Calvin replied. “Right now we’re in the process of re-tasking a Keyhole satellite. It will be above the horizon in seven minutes and we’ll start a systematic scan then.”
    “You’re wonderful.” Lauren brushed her hair away from her face. “I’ll pass this along and wait to hear from you.”
    “Hang in there dear,” Calvin said, attempting to sound up-beat. “I’ve also put in some other calls. I’m in the process of helping Michael get to O’Hare, but I guess the roads are pretty bad right now. But we’re on it.”
    “I appreciate everything you’re doing,” Lauren said, buoyed by the efforts of those closest to her. She severed the connection and took a deep breath, taking a moment to organize her thoughts.
    “What did they say?” Henry moved closer the moment she’d hung up the phone.
    “We’ll know more in a few minutes,” Lauren said as she glanced up at the clock.
    “But what I can tell you, is that there has only been one airplane crash.”
    “How could you know that?” Henry questioned, his voice filled with doubt. “How could anyone know that right now?”
    “Science,” Lauren said as she spun from him, there was no way she was going to take the time to explain to this impossible man how she knew what she did.
    “Dr. McKenna.” Henry’s stern tone relaxed slightly. “I’m sorry.”
    Lauren hesitated, and then faced him. He’d said the words, but somehow they lacked any real warmth, though she thought she detected a momentary softening in his demeanor. She replayed the heated exchange he’d had with his son. It was probably unfair to judge Henry Parrish under these circumstances, but she found him cold and distant.
    “Dr. McKenna, I am sorry,” Henry said, then paused as he measured his words. “I don’t mean to be—”
    “Henry, I hate to interrupt you,” Glen called out from behind them. “The top-brass just arrived and they want to be briefed on the situation.”
    “Clear the war room, then bring them in. We’ll do it there,” Henry replied loudly, then said to Lauren. “I am sorry, we do need to talk, but right now I have to deal with these people. Captain Tucker will stay with you. Don’t hesitate to ask him for anything at all. Interrupt me if you hear back from your friends at the DIA.”
    Lauren nodded. She didn’t bother to acknowledge the small group of people who were waiting for the room to clear. The last thing she wanted right now was to be exposed to the top executives of the airline. In fact what she wanted most was to be alone to call Michael. Standing in Wayfarer Operations, she felt like a complete outsider.
    “Where can I make a phone call and get a cup of coffee?” she asked Tucker as she walked away from the gathering of Wayfarer executives.
    “This way. There’s a conference room hardly anyone ever uses. How do you like your coffee?”
    “Black is fine.”
    “I’ll go get it for you, then I’ll meet you in room 112. It’s the third door on the left, just around the corner.” Tucker cocked his head. “Promise me you’re not calling anyone who might create problems. We’ve got enough issues to deal with right now.”
    “Trust me. We’re all on the same side here,” Lauren replied as she took her cell phone from her purse. She rounded

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