Cold April
I’m afraid my behavior was untoward. Please forgive me.”
    Forgive him? She spoke quickly. “I do indeed, and I must apologize for assuming you meant it inappropriately.”
    “ As I said that day in my flat, Lady Wheatly has been rather ... shall we say ... over-interested in Kathleen’s life, and my own, as well.”
    “ Matchmaking again?” As soon as she said the words, Beth regretted being so candid. ”Excuse me.”
    “ No, that’s perfectly all right. I’m glad you understand.” He paused and spoke softly again. “Lady Wheatly seems to fear I may take a liking to you, and that wouldn’t please her.”
    Beth’s eyebrows rose. “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
    “ Another reason I’m anxious to return to New York. Lady Wheatly has already begun to find ways to introduce me to young women of a certain ... er ... status. I prefer to choose my next wife—if I have one—myself.”
    Beth thought of the young woman she’d just met and wondered if he considered her a prospect.
    Richard continued speaking, “Perhaps Lady Wheatly felt that if I married another Englishwoman I’d remain there, and she wouldn’t lose touch with Kathleen.”
    “ I can understand she’s grown fond of the little girl, but she has children of her own.” She paused. “Besides, Lord Wheatly obviously had other plans for you.”
    “ Yes, thank goodness. Although, I had already decided to return to America and even offered my resignation to Lord Wheatly’s company.”
    “ I see. So, rather than lose your services, he asked you to work for him in New York.”
    “ Exactly, and I’m very happy to do that. I would have needed to find employment in any case, and his pay is most generous.”
    “ It appears we both have much to thank them for. Lady Wheatly is paying for my return to England as well, and has given me a temporary home until then.”
    “ So I’m told.” He paused again and Beth thought she noticed color in his cheeks. “For my part, I’m most grateful that she introduced me to you.”
    It was Beth’s turn to blush, and she lowered her gaze to her lap. Was it possible he meant that?
    “ Perhaps I shouldn’t make my attraction to you so obvious, but you may remember I admired you from that first moment, when we met on the dock at Southampton.”
    “ You saved me from being run down by a lorry.”
    “ You remember.”
    “ How could I forget?”
    He brightened. “May I take that to mean you aren’t displeased by my interest?”
    “ It’s very flattering.” More than flattering. Her heart beat stronger than ever at the very thought that he might prefer her to the gorgeous Cecily Thornton.
    “ I’m happy you think so. I hoped that would be the case.” He rubbed a hand over his chin. “I must also apologize for not following through on the invitation I made to you that morning, offering to escort you to a welcome-home party for the Wheatlys.”
    “ No apology necessary. As soon as the Wheatlys joined us on the dock and introduced me as their governess, I understood that you couldn’t follow through.”
    “ So you forgive me for that breach?”
    “ Of course.”
    “ I was overjoyed when Lord Wheatly suggested you become Kathleen’s governess and you accepted.”
    Beth only smiled, not revealing that she’d come close to refusing.
    “ I confess I hoped we’d become well acquainted on this voyage and continue our friendship once we landed.”
    Beth rejoiced at his showing such a personal interest in her, but she hesitated to sound too eager. “I am your governess for whatever time you need me.”
    “ But that will not be long, because I have a cousin in Illinois who is most anxious to come to New York and is willing to care for Kathleen.”
    Beth tried to conceal her disappointment. A few weeks before, she would have welcomed such an event, but Richard’s declaration had changed all that. Now she, too, wanted their friendship to continue.
    “ You see,” he went on, “once I made the decision

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