fortune with his entire frame. He held her firmly against the wall still, not wanting to lose contact with any inch of her while at the same time fearing if he stepped back she would collapse onto the floor.
    He set his cheek alongside hers and breathed heavily against her ear. She was still gasping for air herself. And he had to smile. God she was fantastic. So uninhibited. Pure.
    He’d nearly come himself watching her face as the orgasm took over her body. No amount of masturbation would ever ease the ache in his cock tonight. He’d forever have this vision etched in his mind. And he prayed he wasn’t ruined for all eternity after the gift she’d given him.
    He tightened his jaw and closed his eyes as he considered the ramifications of his actions. Never. That’s how often he did anything like this. It wasn’t fair to her and it made him feel like an ass. He wasn’t some ordinary guy who dated ordinary women and had ordinary sex. To pretend otherwise was like a giant act of misrepresentation on his part.
    He hadn’t kissed her on the lips. Did he think that would somehow make the scene any less valid? He was kidding himself. He had to stifle a groan that welled up inside his chest as she heaved beneath him, her breasts rising and falling as she came down from her orgasm.
    God. She was amazing. And he wanted her so badly his vision blurred.
    Get a grip . He’d done enough damage for one evening. Would she ever forgive him for fraudulently representing himself before he told her who he really was?
    Hating himself for having such lack of control, he stepped back and put space between them.
    Katy settled on her wobbly legs and wiped her hands on her thighs. “I need air.”
    Rafe nodded and threaded his fingers with hers to lead her from the bar. It took several minutes and a lot of backtracking to get to the entrance.
    When they stepped outside, the cool evening air seemed to take his breath. Reality slammed him in the chest. He picked up the pace, practically dragging Katy toward his truck. As he reached the passenger door, he released her hand and reached into his pocket to get his keys. A quick click of the key fob and the lights blinked. He whipped the door open before finally turning toward her.
    Katy stood stiffly staring up at him, her lower lip tucked between her teeth.
    He took a deep breath. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to freak out.”
    She nodded, but no understanding crossed her face. He wasn’t an expert when it came to females, but if he had to guess, he’d say she was two seconds from crying.
    And he was to blame. He slumped against the side of the truck next to the open door and hauled her into his embrace, tucking her head against his chest. “I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I can be such an ass.”
    She was still high from coming against his leg. It had only been minutes. And he was treating her like it never happened. In fact, he was angry. With himself. But she didn’t know that.
    He realized his behavior was beyond the pale, but he was so damn mad at himself for luring Katy into his world without an explanation about his lifestyle that he wanted to punch something.
    And he would. As soon as he dropped her off, he would head home and attack his punching bag with a vengeance. But first, he needed to get a grip on his sensitive side, lying dormant somewhere inside him.
    Easing her away from him, he kissed her forehead and then helped her into the truck. As he rounded the front hood, he glanced around. Was that creeper from her office still following her, or had he given up?
    Katy stared out the passenger window as he drove her home. He reached for her hand and held it, but she didn’t move her fingers in response.
    When Rafe pulled up alongside her condo, a dark four-door sedan pulled away from the curb. It wasn’t a Lexus. This time it was a Kia. Had he been mistaken the other day? They did look similar, but he could certainly tell the difference. He had to shake his unreasonable concern from

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