his head. Other people did drive similar cars, and furthermore, this was a condominium complex. Many people came and went. He needed to get a grip on his worry for her safety.
    Surely the blatant public display of affection Katy had started this relationship out with had been enough to send that annoying partner from her firm in another direction.
    Rafe rounded the truck before Katy could extricate herself from the seatbelt and took her hand to lead her to her front door.
    She smiled at him as she tipped her head toward his face when he leaned against her front door, blocking her from entering. She narrowed her gaze after a few minutes and cocked her head to one side. “Are you gay?”
    Rafe stared back in shock for a moment before he realized how very legitimate her question was. He shook his head. “No.” He stroked a finger down her cheek and lifted her chin farther. “Nothing like that.”
    “Not that either.” Now he grinned. “Perfectly hetero and totally into you.”
    “Are you coming inside then?”
    “No.” He pulled her against his body in the V of his legs as he had in the bar. “I have a very full closet that needs nudging open one of these days. Until I release the contents, it’s not fair of me to sleep with you.” He paused. “I’m so enjoying your company. Will you let me woo you for a while before I divulge all my dirty secrets?”
    She cocked her head again. “I suppose. But if you think what we did inside that bar wasn’t an act of sex for me, you’re crazy.”
    “Touché. Point taken.” He took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to get carried away like that. It wasn’t polite.”
    “I enjoyed it.” She giggled, the sound vibrating through his chest.
    “I noticed.” He reached for her hand, grabbed her keys, and then turned them sideways to open her front door. “Get inside and lock the door before I do something I can’t take back.”
    She stepped over the threshold and held the door and the frame with both hands before she commented. “Rafe, I hate to tell you this, but you can’t take back anything that’s happened between us.” And she shut the door.
    Katy leaned her back against the cool metal door and slid down the surface until her butt hit the ground. Holy shit. She couldn’t move. She stared into the dark room and relived every second of the last few hours. She had no idea how to process what had happened between them. If Rafe wasn’t gay, then what the hell sort of chivalrous rock did he climb out from under?
    Tires squealed outside, shaking her from her musing. Damn crazy drivers in the middle of the night made her crazy. Why couldn’t people have common courtesy for those who slept in the night?
    It seemed like forever before Katy had the strength to lift herself off the floor and make her way to her bedroom. She peeled off her clothes, dropping each piece on the floor where she stood, and climbed into bed naked. She didn’t have the energy for anything else. Exhausted from the mind-blowing orgasm in her fully clothed state, she closed her eyes and blocked out the world.
    It was dark… Katy couldn’t make out the images of the people around her. The soft blues in the background seemed to grow louder with each passing minute. She couldn’t break her gaze from the man holding her attention, demanding with his eyes that she pay attention only to him. Nothing else in the room mattered.
    Her heart rate increased and she breathed heavily, her chest heaving as she succumbed to his spell. His rugged features held her mesmerized. And the pressure he had against her body made her crave more.
    “Come,” he commanded.
    She shook, unable to tear her gaze away from his.
    “Come,” he repeated.
    Spasms racked her body. Her orgasm swept through her so fast, she gasped.
    He smiled, cocky about his ability to command her.
    She didn’t care. His actions made her horny, even if he was rather unconventional in his approach.
    A deep voice to

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