Conflicted (Secrets and Lies)

Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) by M. M. Koenig

Book: Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) by M. M. Koenig Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. M. Koenig
Tags: Fiction
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someone doesn't stop them. Which side of the coin is worse? Which decision makes me less humane?"
    Her expression turned soft. "I'm not saying I'd look down on you for doing it. I want you to understand that it is morally questionable."
    "I've been thinking about that nonstop. If I take this offer, I'm going to have to deal with all that comes with it. That will include how I look at myself."
    "Is this about Micah?"
    My cheeks reddened as anger erupted through me. "It's not about him. Since you brought him up, it brings me to my other point. I'll admit that there is one thing I keep coming back to. Bad things happen to good people all the time for no reason at all and that's bullshit. Maybe to right a horrible wrong, you have to wrong a few people to make it right for that many more."
    "You're beginning to sound like Dr. Seuss," Bri muttered, massaging her temples.
    "All I'm saying is that this particular situation isn't black and white. It's lying in that gray area that falls between right and wrong making it easy to reason either side of it," I reasoned.
    "I'm throwing in the towel because you're starting to hurt my head. Debating with you when you're in this mode never gets me far. There isn't any reasoning with you," she grumbled.
    I grinned. "Harrison gave me until Monday for an answer."
    Bri examined me carefully. "How do you plan to get a job there? Does he have magical powers that will just place you there?"
    "They're hiring right now. Harrison is confident that my resume and connection to the neighborhood will get me the job. Either that or he isn't telling me something. Who knows? He thinks I'll get it."
    Her face tightened. "It sounds like he could be pulling some strings. Are you really going to do it?"
    "I'm not sure. I wanted you to know that I was considering it. You can't tell anyone," I reiterated. I narrowed my eyes letting her know to keep her lips sealed.
    "I won't. I promised you I wouldn't," she agreed.
    Bri crawled forward cupping her hands forcefully on my cheeks making me focus into her green eyes deep with concern. "Mia, if you do this, promise me that you will walk away if it gets too dangerous. You must keep me informed. I'll go crazy if you don't. It's nerve racking enough when you disappear for a few hours."
    Sharp pain started to spread through me knowing how much that was true when it came to her worrying about me. "If I do take it, I promise I'll keep you in the loop. We don't need you going bat crap crazy," I answered.
    The whole sentence was a jumbled mess because she was squeezing my cheeks so hard.
    Bri giggled. "No, I don't want to steal your crazy bitch title. I love you Mia."
    I leaned towards her pulling her in for a hug. "I love you too Bri. You and the guys are the only family I have."
    We separated and I saw that she had pasted on a supportive smile but her eyes were full of anxiety. I rose to my feet extending my hand to pull her up.
    "Alright, enough with the heavy shit, let's go get drunk with the guys," I suggested.
    She laughed getting up and linking arms with me. While strolling over to our boys, we snickered the whole time. It was always fun finding new things we could pull with them to keep them wrapped around our fingers.

    Sunday night arrived and I still hadn't made a final decision. With that looming over me, I was tossing and turning in bed. I rolled over on my stomach punching my pillow into submission as if it was the pillow's fault I couldn't sleep. I resorted to finding my phone to listen to a playlist. It helped me sleep if I popped in my headphones allowing the music to quiet the voices in my head. As the lyrics filled my ears, I started to fall asleep.
    The final draft of the paper is ready for the printers. I sent off the file when my cell rings. I let it go to voicemail. My phone beeps so I pick it up to listen to the message. Derrick does nothing to hide the urgency in his voice as he requests me to go downstairs to his office right now. It's

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