Conflicted (Secrets and Lies)

Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) by M. M. Koenig Page B

Book: Conflicted (Secrets and Lies) by M. M. Koenig Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. M. Koenig
Tags: Fiction
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that article. I don't know how it got into my folder. I can assure that it wasn't by me," I whisper.
    "Are you accusing us of lying Ms. Ryan? Are you attempting to state that we fabricated this evidence?" he asks coldly.
    I sink further into my chair. His eyes are full of so much rage that I'm not sure he even hears me when I speak. As far as he's concerned, he has all the tangible proof in the world to nail me to the wall and he's going to do just that.
    "No...No Sir, I..."
    My voice fades off in despair knowing that my pleas won't matter.
    "We've heard enough from you tonight. You can provide no explanation why this is in your folder on a university drive. I'm sure you want us to believe that someone stole your username and manufactured this in your folder. We don't have time for those types of excuses."
    Panicking, I begin to ramble before he can further incriminate me into something else.
    "Sir, you have to believe me when I say I didn't write that piece let alone set it up to print. I'm the editor of the paper. It's my job to make sure that what we present to the university is based off factual research and resources. Someone is setting me up. The computers are accessible to anyone. It's possible that someone watched me login and wrote down my username and password. Tomorrow's layout for the paper is the only document that should be in there."
    Even I can hear the desperation in my voice. I want to scream that what he believes isn't true.
    His finger roughly hits the monitor as he snipes, "Is this or is this not your folder?"
    "Yes, it is but..." I fade off in a defeat.
    My whole body starts to slip into what I assume is the shock that people experience after being in a horrific car accident. He whips the monitor around and keeps his fists clenched.
    "There is no have confirmed it's your folder. You have the access and authority to print an article as damaging as this without anyone being the wiser. This is a direct violation of the university code of conduct," he declares before looking at the rest of the board members.
    He brings his enraged eyes back to me. "We're processing the disciplinary action for these infractions right now. The overwhelming amount of evidence going against the integrity and conduct of the university cannot be ignored. We will not undermine the necessary punishment by giving you a slap on the wrist. Effective immediately, you are hereby expelled from Eckman University. Your academic transcript will reflect this matter with no eligibility to return."
    Derrick lets out a disgusted breath. He clears his throat to argue but the Dean cuts him off with an iced glare. I go numb and the tears start to drip down my face. My body and head shake nonstop. I don't understand how this can be happening to me. I think I hear that I'm no longer a student but my brain is full of fuzz.
    I'm still sitting there when Dean Martin dismisses me, "You're excused Ms. Ryan. Please leave the university premises."
    Somehow, I shuffle towards the door. As I make my way out, immense pain runs through my entire body making my arms and legs feel like a million pounds. My head is so heavy and hazy. The tightness in my chest feels like it is suffocating me from the inside out. I almost clutch both arms around myself to keep from caving into the overwhelming pain but hold back. I won't give these people the satisfaction of having a complete meltdown in front of them. I force my legs to move to get me to my car. As soon as I'm there, I can call the one person that can help me - Micah. I focus my thoughts on Micah to keep moving forward.
    Thinking about him makes me crave to hear his voice. As I approach my car, I dig out my cell to call him. The instant I hear his voice I'll fall to pieces but he'll be there to pick them up. That's all I need right now. I hit his number. It rings a few times before going to his voicemail. Knowing I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown, I climb in my car and speed to our apartment. Maybe

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