Crystal Moon
eaten raw does
    the flower enslave its victims. Do not be quick to condemn
    something because of its misuse by another. In the right hands,
    the nika plant can do good rather than evil. I am not my father.
    Trust your instincts.”
    She held her breath while he deliberated.
    After a moment, his body lost its rigid stance as he admitted
    defeat on this point. “You are right. I cannot keep you under
    lock and key without raising suspicions, nor can I keep you
    always at my side. But...”
    His sudden smile made Sianna nervous.
    “...perhaps I have the next best thing. A guard.”
    Kyne gave a soft whistle. From a dark corner next to the
    chamber’s fireplace a shape rose and lumbered forward into
    the light. A sense of approaching menace slid over Sianna as
    the beast came into view, its claws clicking against the stone
    Though no taller than the wolve hounds below, this creature
    possessed twice their bulk and muscle. Yawning, it revealed a
    muzzle filled with long, yellowed teeth. Its mouth shut with a
    snap. Deep-set, intelligent eyes watched her with interest.
    “Warda, guard her,” Kyne told the beast. “From now on
    Warda will be your constant companion. Attempt to leave the
    castle grounds, and he will restrain you. And beware. Unlike
    me, his bite is much worse than his bark.”
    After Kyne left the chamber, Warda stared longingly at the
    door, then turned his attention to Sianna. She felt his curiosity
    and caution.
    Kyne had chosen his guard well. Warda would not question
    Kyne’s order, nor speak of it to others.
    Still, exhilaration rushed through her. She’d won the freedom
    to move around the castle and grounds.
    Triumph was short lived. A tired sigh slipped through her
    lips as she sat down at the table. The task ahead loomed large
    and daunting. Healing took an immense toll on a healer, both
    mental and physical. Did she have the strength and courage to
    help these people?
    Warda’s head in her lap shook Sianna from doubt and
    inadequacy. His dark, liquid eyes seemed to say, “You will do
    what you must, no matter the cost.”
    Cool, damp air swirled around Kyne as the door to his
    chamber clicked shut behind him. One lamp cast deep shadows
    in the empty hall. Below he could hear the muffled sounds of
    people settling for the night and smell the lingering aroma of
    last meal. Weariness dragged at him, but he needed to see to
    the welfare of his people. During his and Graham’s absence,
    confusion had fallen over the castle. Security and order had to
    be restored before he could seek his bed. Once there, he
    expected to find little rest. The image of DiSanti’s daughter in
    his room banished all hope of sleep.
    Someone lurked in the shadows. How he knew, Kyne
    couldn’t say, but many times he’d sensed the presence of another
    without physical evidence. More than once in battle his ability
    had saved his life. Though he gave no outward sign, Kyne tensed,
    waiting for the person to identify himself and offer a reason for
    his presence. No one stepped forward into the light. Who hid in
    the shadows outside his chamber? His fingers closed around
    the handle of his knife, and he slipped silently out from under
    the lamp’s glow.
    He paused. Guided by instinct, he whirled around and
    pounced on the intruder, pinning him against the wall, a knife at
    his throat. The person grunted at the impact of Kyne’s body,
    but offered no resistance.
    “Je’al?” Kyne loosened his grip, but kept his knife poised
    at the younger man’s throat. “What are you doing here? Did
    you plan to finish what you started?” Stepping back, Kyne pulled
    Je’al into the light. “The woman is a valuable pawn. I
    overlooked your first attempt on her life, but I cannot allow you
    to succeed, nor can I allow you to disregard direct orders. Speak
    up, man, what are you about?”
    “You’re right, Rul. I foolishly let my emotions guide my
    actions with the woman. As much as I wish her

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