Dark Desire

Dark Desire by Shannan Albright Page B

Book: Dark Desire by Shannan Albright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannan Albright
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to the ground by him as he clutched at his stomach
in a desperate attempt to keep his intestines from spilling out. Black blood
coated his hands, dribbling from his mouth to land on the ground with a sizzle
as it ate holes into the asphalt from his acidic blood.
    “Guess this youngling got the best of you eh, mon ami ?” Cody
taunted. Pulling his blade free, he swung once again cutting cleanly through
the feral’s neck separating his head neatly from his
    He wiped the
tainted blood off his sword using the dead feral’s t-shirt, then stepped back, lip curling into a snarl of disgust at the swiftly
decomposing corpse. Seemed the older they were the worse they smelled.
Sheathing his weapon, Cody climbed over the fence, dropping softly onto the
sidewalk and pulled out his cell, hitting speed dial as he made his way back
toward the lights and sounds of Fremont.
Christophe, finished taking out an old fucker by the stench of him. Meet me at
The Asp in ten minutes.”
    Ending the call
he slipped it back into his pocket, feeling pretty damn good about his night
hunting. Being an Enforcer was no different from his old profession as a Metro
cop. Only now he took out the bad guy, no easy outs on technicalities, no picking up the pieces left by the perp who kept destroying innocent lives. Quick, clean, and final, the ultimate
judge, jury, and executioner all in one, and for the first time in his life he
felt a sense of purpose. A reason to get up every night.
    Christophe had
made it all possible, becoming his sire that fateful night a little over a year
ago when Cody had taken a bullet in the heart meant for Tambra ,
his partner and best friend. Out of all the Enforcers Christophe was the only
person who got him, understood the demons that drove Cody.
    His humble
beginnings in the bayou, the men his mama took into her bed to make a living.
His papa, the sperm donor, skipped out on them before his was born, so she did
what she needed to for them. As he grew though, she couldn’t hide the bruises,
her beatings becoming more frequent, her clientele rougher the older she got.
In the end Cody didn’t know if he could have stopped what happened to his mom,
but it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty, like there could have been
something he could have done to prevent her murder.
    He shook the
images off, shoving them in the dark, dank corner of his soul and locking them
down tight. He couldn’t change the past, so what good would it do to dwell?
Right now, here, was where he could make the difference.
    A scraping sound
came from behind and to his right. Turning he caught sight of a dark figure
standing in the shadows. “Well, what have we here?”
    The shadowy form
moved with purpose to stand beneath a beam of light overhead. Blond hair shaved
close, dark eyes set into sharp angular planes, he stood
at least an inch taller than Cody. His body was layered in heavy muscle beneath
a grey hoodie and jeans. “Been watching you, blood sucker.” The man spat.
so? I didn’t know I had a secret admirer. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t
swing that way. Perhaps you will have better luck at one of the gay bars down
the road,” Cody taunted, focused on what the man’s next move would be.
    The man just
smiled, eyes glittering with malice. The back of Cody’s neck tingled in warning
just before a heavy body slammed into him from behind, taking him to the
ground. His cheek scraped painfully against the concrete as the weight held him
pinned. He felt the sharp sting at the back of his neck and gritted his teeth
as he struggled against the body holding him down.
    Merde . Wouldn’t you
know the Preservation Society would pull something just when he least expected
it. The stinging in his neck ignited, searing a path through his veins leaving
white hot agony in its wake, scorching him from the inside out. He writhed against
the onslaught, a groan escaping his clenched teeth as he burned alive.
    A pair of heavy
work boots

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