Dating the Guy Upstairs

Dating the Guy Upstairs by Amanda Ashby

Book: Dating the Guy Upstairs by Amanda Ashby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashby
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annoyed. “After all, I’m going on a date with you. Two actually, one tonight and one on Saturday. What’s the difference?”
    “What’s the difference?” Will spluttered. “How can you even ask that? We’re friends and this is a favor; I’m not holding a promotion over your head. I’m not making you jump through hoops.”
    “I know that, but it still doesn’t give you the right to dictate what I do at work,” Riley said, two small balls of red rising up on her cheeks.
    Will opened his mouth and then shut it again.
    She was right.
    She was absolutely right and instead of acknowledging it, he was sitting there judging her and Gloria while ignoring the fact that he was in the wrong too. For a moment he was silent before he turned to her and mustered up an apologetic smile.
    “I’m an idiot and I’m sorry. It’s none of my business who you do or don’t date, or what your reasons are for doing it. Forgive me?”
    “Of course I forgive you.” Some of the tension left her mouth. “I know you think that I’m being dumb about the work stuff, but it’s important to me.”
    “I don’t think you’re being dumb.” Will was filled with guilt. He’d met her parents numerous times and while they were warm, kind and caring, he also knew that between their many marriages Riley had been dragged around from place to place and family to family, never quite sure where she belonged. He also knew that money had always been tight and thanks to her mom’s latest misadventure, it was tighter still. He was a dope for making her feel bad about wanting to get ahead. “I’m sorry I put you in a bad position with your crazy boss. That was never my intention. Do you want to fake dump me? Would that help?”
    For a moment Riley was silent before letting out a small giggle. “No. This whole thing’s already ridiculous. We don’t need to make it worse by getting involved with a fake breakup. Let’s just make sure we get through it unscathed.”
    “Deal,” he said, feeling considerably better as they both stood up.
    He knew that when he wasn’t in town, Riley normally got a lift home with Italy or caught the bus, but when he was around it had long been their habit to make the half an hour walk together, often stopping at a coffee shop or bar along the way. He smiled as they began to stroll in companionable silence. If he was going to have a fake girlfriend he was glad it was one who wore motorbike boots with floral dresses and who wrapped up books in newspaper to inspire young kids to read. And, as the late afternoon sun shone down, he realized that maybe there was a silver lining to this day after all.

Chapter Five
    “Wait, he dropped a spider down your shirt just before he kissed you for the first time?” One of the bridesmaids leaned forward, her perfect lips forming an O-shaped pout as they all sat around the long restaurant table, the remnants of the delicious meal all but cleared away.
    “Fake spider,” Riley corrected in a serious voice, which caused even more startled looks. It wasn’t her best work, but when one of them had asked her how her and Will’s first kiss had happened, it was the first thing that she thought of. Still, as she took in the dark looks the girls were all sending Will, she knew that he no longer had to worry about Tucker trying to set him up on a date.
    And she hadn’t even been forced to kiss him again.
    She peered over to where he was talking with Tucker and smiled. A lot of people thought that Tucker was the more handsome of the two brothers but Riley had never been able to see it. While his brother might have a couple of inches on him and a stronger jaw, Will’s pale sea-blue eyes were more intense and showed his emotions like a barometer, and she loved the curve of his throat.
Her face heated and she let out a soft groan.
    What was wrong with her?
    For two years she and Will had been blissfully happy just being friends as they both chased their own goals. But suddenly after

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