Daughter of a Monarch
wanting me dead. I feel ashamed for proving my lack of control.
    I stumble until my back is against a wall. I slide down and sit with my head in my hands as Gregory and Harim talk this through. I want to listen to them, hear what they have to say, but I can’t. My self-hatred is too loud.
    I’m angry with myself for coming here. Maybe I should have just stayed with Mom in Alaska. Maybe we could have hid there forever. But what if I hadn’t come? There’s no telling what the Regime would have ordered Gaia to do against my world in search of me and my parents.
    I look at Harim and Gregory because they’ve stopped yelling at one another. To my surprise, they discuss the possibilities of me living here under close watch.
    If Harim can teach me control, I would be able to live here. But I’d never be able to speak of my parents or who I truly was. And the moment I lost control or put anyone in danger, I’d be taken prisoner immediately, sedated and locked away. Or killed.
    I have to protect my parents, cousins, Jett, and Mason. I can’t exist in Terre or Gaia. Gregory makes it clear that if the rest of Terre find out about me, they’d kill my parents for committing the sin of bringing a half-breed into existence. The Regime would also be killed for treason.
    “I’ll do it,” I chime in.
    “One mistake, Aislin, and you come with us,” Gregory says sternly.
    “Agreed.” I nod as a single tear slips down my cheek.


    I NUMBLY WALK back to my grandmother’s house with Uncle Harim.
    “Aislin, we’ll figure this out. And if I know your father and your mother, they won’t settle for this. They will find a way to get you.”
    I stare straight ahead. “They have to face the consequences of what they’ve done. But I won’t let them die. I have to stay away from them.” Tears sting my eyes, but I will them to stay put. I won’t cry.
    “I know you don’t know me or anyone here well enough to trust us, but we will help you.”
    I stop walking. “Help me? Harim, you heard Gregory! My existence is an abomination to Terre and Gaia. My kind was never supposed to be created because of the strength a half-breed would have! I’m a risk to everyone! You’ve seen me! I have no control! And it’s only going to get worse as I age!”
    Uncle Harim gently places his hands on my cheeks. “You are not an abomination, Aislin. We will help you, and everyone will see how great you are.”
    “How can you be sure? You barely know me. How do you know I’m great? Just because they may learn to trust me doesn’t mean I won’t have a massive amount of stipulations put on my life. I made the mistake of coming here the first time. I should’ve just stayed hidden and followed the rules.”
    His hands fall to his sides, and he places them in his pockets. “You need to stop assuming things and calm down. The Regime are just trying to keep peace and stick to the rules. We have another meeting with them, but, in the meantime, you will be going through intense training.”
    I wipe at a tear that managed to escape. “What should I tell my parents?”
    “The truth about what is going on. But how will you contact them?”
    “I have ways without leaving.”
    “Just make sure you tell them not to come after you. Tell your mother I’m protecting you.”
    I nod and walk into the house. My grandmother stands from her chair.
    “How did it go, Aislin?” She hugs me and holds onto the sides of my arms as she looks me over. “They didn’t harm you, did they?”
    “No. They didn’t harm me. It was the other way around. I’d rather not discuss it. Ask Harim. I need to rest.”
    She kisses my cheek. “Your room is ready. Helen got it all ready for you. If we had known you were coming, you wouldn’t have had to sleep on the couch last night.”
    “Thank you, but I don’t mind. I just appreciate you giving me a place to stay.”
    “Anything for my granddaughter.”
    I try to smile, but instead, I burst into tears. I feel her loving

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