Deadliest of Sins
lickin’! She’ll put her skirts back on pretty fast.”
    Mary’s stomach turned as the congregation murmured their approval.
    â€œNow those folks outside would probably say I’ve told you to beat your children. But you know that’s not true. I’m just saying that God has given us clear directions on how to raise a child up right. He’s also given us directions on how to deal with queers.”
    Trull paused, as the congregation seemed to catch its breath. “I know some of you think that if a homosexual sidles up and bats his eyelashes at you, then you’re going to hell just like they are. Before our blessed Lord came to earth, that was probably true. But I’m telling you, our sweet Jesus does not want anyone to go to hell, and He’s even got a plan to save the queers.” He leaned forward on the lectern and grinned. “You want to know what it is?”
    For an awkward moment, his question hung unanswered in the silent air, then a woman reluctantly asked, “What?”
    â€œSisters and brothers, as much as you might not want to go anywhere near these people—as disgusting as you might find them, it’s your duty, as Christians, to tell them you love them. Tell them they need to quit their evil ways, for the sake of their immortal soul! All they have to do is accept Jesus as their personal savior. Once they do that—once they truly and honestly accept our Lord—a miracle will happen. He will change them into normal people! Instantly! Right before your eyes! So, brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid of these poor people outside the church. Go out there, put your arms around them, and tell them how much God loves them! Stand up for what you know is good and right and true, and when your own day of judgment comes, you can look at Jesus with pride, knowing you tried your best to bring all His sheep back into the fold!”
    Everyone stood up. Cheers of Amen, brother and Praise Jesus came like waves, caressing Trull’s grinning face. The guitarists reappeared, striking up another Christian rock anthem as ushers began to pass collection plates. With the congregation digging deep into their wallets, Mary slipped out of the pew and down the aisle. Grabbing a program that she’d missed on her way in, she hurried out the door and down the front steps of the church, eager to get away from Trull’s brand of Christianity. As she walked toward her car, she passed a fresh crew of young men who were chanting God made me gay and I’m okay!
    Watch out guys , she was tempted to tell them, a miracle is about to occur. In a very few minutes about two hundred people are going to come roaring out of that church, determined to pray every one of you into being straight.

    Smiley secretly hated the Russians. He didn’t like the way they muscled into a territory, knocking back their vodka, assuming that America was now theirs for the plundering. In particular he didn’t like the fact that their local lieutenant, Boyko Zelinski, was now glaring at him with the butt of a Makarov pistol protruding from the shoulder holster under his pricey linen jacket. No respect, he thought to himself. Not an ounce of deference for me and my people, the ones who’d been plundering America back when his ancestors were growing turnips for the Czar.
    Boyko’s pale eyes narrowed. “You always allow your girls cell phones, moy drug ?”
    â€œIvan was one of yours, Boyko. Not mine.”
    â€œIvan was here to help you, Smiley. Feed the girls, dole out their drugs, don’t pop any of their cherries. He was not to loan his cell phone out for calls.”
    Smiley stepped aside as the walking side of beef they called Volk carried Ivan’s corpse down the dark hall. “Then I guess Ivan screwed up, didn’t he?”
    â€œYes, he did. And it’s too bad, too. I hate to kill Russians.” Boyko glared at Smiley. He’d started to say

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