Dealing With Discipline
said with a
groan, pulling her up from the counter and flush against him,
turning her to face him, his hands gripping her bottom hard as he
plundered her mouth with his tongue. The back of her skirts were
still rucked up and Eleanor cried out as his hands dug into her hot
flesh, the stinging pain magnified by the kneading motions of his
fingers. The hard ridge of his erection pressed against her body,
nestling into the V of her legs as much as he could with her skirts
in the way. He kissed her as if he was drowning and she was air
itself, desperately, passionately, and she opened herself to him,
inviting him into her mouth and body.
    Her fingers felt practically numb from the
time spent gripping the counter, the softness of Edwin’s coat
strange against the pads of her fingers, his hard chest tense
beneath it. When he pulled away her lips felt swollen from the
force of his kisses and both of them were breathing
    “Edwin!” she screeched as he flipped her over
his shoulder, pulling down her skirts to decently cover her bottom
and legs. Her head hung down on one side, her legs on the other,
one of his hands around her legs and the other wrapped upwards
around her waist with his hand resting on one buttock. Even through
the layers of her skirt he could feel the heat emanating from her
red hot bottom.
    “Quiet,” he growled, giving her a
sharp smack on upturned cheeks that was hard enough to make her
squeal again.
    Eleanor covered her face with her hands, both
mortified and somewhat excited as he paraded her like that out into
the hallway, ordering the staff back into the kitchen before
heading towards their bedroom. No one dared comment of course, but
her face heated almost as red as her arse as she thought about what
they must be saying once they were back in the safety of the
kitchen, knowing that the master and mistress of the house would be
busily ensconced in the bedroom.
    She couldn’t bear to look up to see who else
of their household might be watching as Edwin paraded her though
the house on his shoulder.
    “Edwin, set me down!”
    His only response was another
sharp slap against her rump that made her shift and bite her lip to
muffle her squeal. Edwin was behaving like a complete barbarian!
And yet… it made that hot aching need between her legs increase as
if he’d put his mouth to it.

Chapter 4
    The need to get his wife
alone and naked had completely overridden any veneer of class or
decorum that had been ingrained into him, awakening his most
primitive instincts. It was only some small part of his brain that
insisted he didn’t want anyone else walking in and seeing his
wife dishabille that had him carrying her to their bedroom rather than taking
her in the kitchen the way he wanted to. That and he found himself
rather enjoying hauling Eleanor around over his shoulder; there was
something wonderfully proprietary about it, almost as disturbingly
arousing as his reaction to punishing her beautiful
    When he finally put her down in
their room, after kicking the door closed behind him, Eleanor’s
face was flushed pink from embarrassment as well as the blood which
had rushed to her head when she was upside down, her perfect hair
was half undone with the pins falling out of it, and she looked
alluringly disheveled despite her obvious humiliated
    “Edwin how could you?” she cried
out as he pressed her backwards until she was trapped between the
bed and his thighs, their lower bodies almost fused together. Edwin
kissed her jaw when she turned her lips away, his hands already
behind her, undoing the buttons going down her back. Eleanor
wriggled against him, trying to find a more comfortable position as
her flaming backside was squashed against the hard frame of their
bed, causing her hips to jerk forward as the hard bulge of his
erection nestled against her soft belly.
    “How could I what?” he asked,
kissing his way down Eleanor’s neck. His wife let out a little moan
as he scraped his

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