Dealing With Discipline
catch her but she righted herself quickly enough.
 Still, she turned around fast enough to see that he had
positioned himself to help her, before he snapped himself back into
place and looked down at her.  Those big blue eyes were filled
with what looked like true remorse and a few tears. She took in the
expression on his face, the determination, and silently, slowly
turned back around, facing away from him. 
    Placing her hands on the counter,
she lowered her upper body onto it, biting her lip.  This was
going to be her first real punishment since their honeymoon and she
knew that it was going to hurt... so why was her heart thumping
with excitement? Why did the area between her legs fell swollen and
wet?  What kind of woman was Edwin turning her
    "Very good," Edwin murmured,
pleased that Eleanor hadn't protested or tried to talk her way out
of being disciplined.  Although, of course, she'd already
tried to run and been caught so perhaps he shouldn't be too
impressed with her current obedience, but it did give him a thrill
that she'd meekly bent herself over the counter before him. "Now
reach across and hold onto the other side."
    It was at just the right height
that she had to go up on her tip toes to truly be able to put her
weight onto the surface.  By obeying his order for her to
reach across, she was actually placing the full weight of her body
on the counter, her legs dangling down so that her toes were barely
brushing the floor. 
    “Edwin, I’m sorry,” she said,
quite truthfully. The chase had worn down her chaotic emotions and
now all she felt was guilt and regret. “I don’t know what came over
me. I didn’t mean to lose my temper that way, I’ll never throw
anything at you ever again.”
    “No, no you won’t,” he said softly
as he tucked up her skirts around her hips. He laughed softly at
what he discovered. “No drawers, Nell? Are you sure you didn’t
anticipate this?” Eleanor whimpered but didn’t answer as she felt
the air of the kitchen on her bare thighs and bottom, unsure if she
was whimpering from fright or arousal. She could practically feel
the heat of her husband’s gaze on her private areas, knowing that
they were basically in a public room where anyone could walk in at
any minute, adding to the illicitness of the situation. “Is that
all you’re sorry for?”
    Her fingers tightened around the
edge of the countertop. Of course, he wanted an apology for her
behavior at the wedding that morning.
    “No,” she said. “I’m also very
sorry for making you chase me around the wedding brunch this
morning. And around the house just now.”
    “Hmm,” he said as he picked up the
wooden spoon, knowing that she couldn’t see what he was doing. “You
don’t sound very sorry about this morning. But I believe I know how
to fix that.”
    Eleanor shrieked. That wasn’t his
hand! The impact area was far too small, far too stinging to be his
hand. It bit into her tender skin much more harshly than the blow
she’d been anticipating. Her head swiveled around to see Edwin
standing behind her, large wooden spoon in his hand, holding it up
for another strike.
    “Stop!” she cried out.
    “You attempted to injure me with a wooden
object,” Edwin said calmly as he rubbed his hand over the two dark
pink imprints on her creamy bottom as Eleanor gasped and
half-choked on a cry. “It seems only fitting that you now be
spanked with one.”
    THWACK! He made a third imprint,
admiring the way the spoon almost immediately turned the areas of
impact a dark pink, but he’d lightened his blows a little as he
could also see that the effect was much greater on Eleanor than his
hand would have been.
    “It hurts!”
    “It’s supposed to. Now don’t let
go of the counter or we’ll have to start all over
    Tears burning in her eyes at the
indignation and stinging pain, Eleanor clung to the countertop and
swallowed back a howl as the spoon bit into her tender

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