Death on a Short Leash

Death on a Short Leash by Gwendolyn Southin Page A

Book: Death on a Short Leash by Gwendolyn Southin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwendolyn Southin
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
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turned to Maggie. “I wait until he speaks to Mr. Nat. Perhaps he has found Johanna.”
    â€œBad news, I’m afraid,” George told Nat bluntly.
    â€œYou’ve found her?”
    â€œThere’s a girl in the morgue who fits the description.”
    â€œWhere was she found?”
    â€œIn a cranberry field. The owners were harvesting the berries when they came upon her. By the look of the body, she’s been dead for some time.” He paused. “Bad business. Can you get your clients to come and identify her?”
    â€œThey’ve returned to their home in Gibsons Landing. Will Henny do? She’s known the girl for years.” He paused. “I don’t want to bring the parents all the way from Gibsons only to discover it’s not their daughter.”
    â€œI’ll meet you there. Oh! And by the way, I couldn’t find any kennels called the Circle or Path of Light. Sure you had the name right?”
    â€œThat’s all we’ve got.”
    â€œI’m busy on a case at the moment,” George said, “but I’ll have another look when I’ve got some time.”
    â€œThanks. See you downtown.”
    â€¢ • •
    HENY, WHITE-FACED and nervous, sat in the front seat of Nat’s car. “Perhaps it is not our Johanna,” she said. “But what will I tell Marie if it is?”
    From the back seat, Maggie put a comforting hand on Henny’s shoulder. “Let’s face that problem when we get to it.”
    George Sawasky and Brian Todd from Missing Persons were waiting for them at the entrance to the greystone building. Brian greeted Nat. “How’s the detective business? Haven’t seen you since you were working that baby scam.”
    â€œGood to see you, Brian. We’ve . . .” he put an arm around Maggie, “we’ve come a long way since then. I’d like you to meet Henny. She’s known Johanna since she was a baby.”
    Brian solemnly shook hands with Henny. “I do hope for your sake this isn’t the girl you know.” He nodded toward the door. “Shall we get it over with?”
    The morgue was in the basement, and Maggie felt a cold shiver run through her body as the elevator descended to the lower floor. The place was so white, so cold and so impersonal. A white-coated man, who introduced himself as Dr. Grebe, led them through a door and over to where a sheet-covered mound lay on a metal gurney.
    â€œI know this will be difficult for you,” he said to Henny before pulling the sheet back. “But the body has been immersed in the bog for quite a few days.” He paused so that she could prepare herself. “Just take your time.” He pulled back the white sheet to reveal the face but not the bruising on the neck.
    Nat, his arm around Henny’s shoulders, compared the bloated, waxen, ravaged face to the photograph of Johanna he held in his hand and realized it would be very hard for anyone to identify her. But Henny gave a shriek and stumbled backward to bury her face on his shoulder. “Oh, Johanna. It can’t be. Oh, Johanna,” she moaned.
    â€œThen you can positively identify the body?” Sergeant Todd asked, puzzled.
    Henny pulled her horrified face away from Nat’s shoulder and pointed. “The earrings. Her mama and papa give them to her last Christmas.”
    â€œSomeone will go with you to break the news to her parents,” he answered. “I’m so sorry.”
    Nat and Maggie exchanged a look. “Henny,” he said as he disentangled himself from her. “I want you to go outside with Maggie. I’ll only be a few minutes.” He waited until the door had closed behind them before turning to Dr. Grebe. “How did she die?” he asked.
    â€œI won’t know until I’ve done a full autopsy, but I’d say probably strangling.” He replaced the sheet. “I’ll send you a full report,” he said,

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