
Decadent by Elaine White

Book: Decadent by Elaine White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine White
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getting him laid wasn't the answer. In fact, the very idea of Lachlan getting laid was the problem. He had no idea what he was getting up to with Cormag.
    Konnor was about spitting nails as he climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling. Not only had he lost Lachlan once that day, but he'd found him only to alienate him and lose him again. Whatever was going on with him was a mystery because he had barely recognised him at the bar where he worked. Drunk and even when he was sobering he'd been a completely different person. And he blamed it all on that Cormag fellow.
    He didn't know or care who he was, only that he'd left the bar with Lachlan and no-one had seen him since. He'd only gone home and not bothered looking for him again because Lachlan was eighteen now; he was a legal grown up and the smartest, most careful guy he knew. He trusted him to take care of himself and do what was right.
    Konnor cursed as he called Lachlan's mobile phone, in a last ditch attempt to talk some sense into him, only for the phone to ring out close by. He looked around, wondering why he could hear Lachlan's phone playing the Rocky theme tune. That was when it clicked.
    He dragged himself out of bed and grabbed the school bag Lachlan had practically thrown at him before he left the bar; his mobile was tucked into the side front pocket. “The little bastard. He did it on purpose,” he realised. He'd only handed over his bag so that he could slip his phone into it and swan off to do whatever the fuck he wanted without there being any consequences to face. Now he was really steamed.
    Lachlan had gone off with a stranger, to do God knew what, only God knew where and he'd deliberately left his phone behind so that no-one could find him. The guy was certifiable. Konnor was going to kill him.

Chapter 8
    Cormag woke up with a smile and a yawn. He'd had the most amazing dreams during the night, but now that daylight had come and his alarm clock was ringing he would have to force himself back into reality.
    He gave his alarm clock a whack to shut it up and sighed as he ran his hands over his face, recalling the day before. He'd gone to the bar, had some lunch and then…well, he couldn't remember what came after that, so he guessed he'd got drunk. Which would explain why his body felt like it was made out of stone; he didn't want to have to get out of bed.
    A buzzing started somewhere in the room. He looked around to the bedside table only to see that his phone wasn't where he usually left it. Then again, he must have been steaming drunk when he got home, so it could be anywhere.
    Cormag gave his eyes a rub to wake himself up and reluctantly climbed out of bed, rolling his eyes at the clothes that were strewn across the floor. He was a messy sod when he was drunk. He began picking them up, looking in pockets for his mobile, which continued to buzz. But he didn't find it. He was confused to find that there were two of everything on the floor. Two pairs of jeans, two t-shirts, a pair of boxers that most definitely weren't his and when he peeked out the open bedroom door to the hallway, there were trainers there that he didn't recognise.
    He straightened up, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, thinking back to the night before. He never brought anyone back to his house. Heck, he hadn't been in a relationship for the last year and he hadn't picked anyone up either. He didn't do casual flings; they tended to be more complicated than they were worth.
    “ Will you come back to bed?” a sleepy voice asked quietly.
    He almost jumped at the break in the silence of the room. But when he looked back at the bed he was beyond stunned to find that his dream was in fact reality. Lachlan was lying in his bed, under the duvet with his tired, expressive hazel eyes watching him.
    “I can't find my phone,” he explained, since he didn't know what else to say.
    “Is that what's buzzing?” Lachlan complained before pulling the duvet up over his head. “I

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