
Decadent by Elaine White Page A

Book: Decadent by Elaine White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine White
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think it fell out your pocket somewhe re between here and the library,” he said, before yawning and going quiet.
    Cormag was remembering bits and pieces now; he figured that he was so used to being alone that he'd convinced himself it was all a dream for a while. He was relieved to know he'd been lying to himself.
    He could remember his afternoon with Lachlan, now that he thought about it. He remembered sitting in the library, trying to eat his take out and having Lachlan's lips driving him to distraction. He recalled convincing himself that he should walk the kid home and how they'd even managed to make it to the front door. That was when they saw how hard it was raining and Lachlan had asked to stay the night.
    Cormag could almost feel the sensual kiss he had graced his lips with, as he closed the front door. He hadn't even had the chance to admit that he wanted him to stay. Lachlan had taken complete control. It had only taken seconds for them to head for his bedroom. He even remembered spending half the night in bed, talking and kissing one another heatedly.
    He snapped himself out of his recollections and left the room to find his phone, which he found halfway down the hall as Lachlan said. He vaguely remembered hearing something thump against the wall when he was juggling the take out boxes in one hand and trying to open the library door with the other. He hadn't much cared at the time what it was; now he knew.
    The phone stopped ringing after he picked it up. He went back into the bedroom and sat back against the headboard on his side of the bed to find out who wanted to talk to him so badly. It wasn't a number he recognised, but it had called fifteen times since seven o'clock that morning.
    “Do you know this number?” he asked as he gave the duvet covering Lachlan a gentle nudge. He was now firmly wrapped in the whole thing; another thing Cormag found adorable. “It's called me fifteen times this morning,” he explained, as the corner of the duvet was pushed aside and Lachlan's head came into view. A hand snaked out and turned the phone, only for him to pull the cover over his head again.
    “It's Konnor's number,” he complained.
    “Are you ever going to come out of hiding?” Cormag chuckled to himself as he watched Lachlan appear again. He was frowning and his eyes were squinting shut with the light coming in the thin curtains. “Oh…welcome to your first hangover. Be grateful I went easy on you.” He tormented Lachlan for his first experience of the evils of alcohol.
    “Easy,” he reiterated calmly.
    Before Cormag could react Lachlan exploded out of the duvet and hands pulled him forward until he was sprawled across him. He was pleasantly surprised that he got a hard, lingering kiss in response to his teasing rather than a slap.
    “You did not go easy on me at all. You got me wasted,” he countered his claim with one of his own. Cormag couldn't help but smile and get comfortable. He let one arm lie over the bare chest he now knew well, gently brushing his fingertips over the exposed skin while he leant his free elbow on the bed to prop his head on his hand.
    “Actually, I was extremely nice to you. It's cheap vodka. I've used that order to get myself drunk before and Matteo knew what I meant.” He promised that he hadn't let him get in over his head. “The only reason he gave you it was because it gets you drunk very quickly, but with some fresh air and lots of coffee you also recover quicker. What you're feeling right now is nothing compared to a real hangover, trust me.” He smiled with his words and forgot all about the phone he'd dropped when Lachlan grabbed him. He loved looking at those big brown eyes. He was certainly proving to be entertaining in the morning.
    “That's what you said yesterday. You said ' I think you're steaming hot Lachlan, but I'm not looking for complicated right now. I'm not looking for any relationship right now. You're safe with me, trust me on that.' Now look at

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