Decadent Master
leading Rolf on, making him think things that could never be….
    Like she wanted him to kiss her more. Harder. Longer.
    Oh God.
    She turned her head and fought for the air she needed to clear her foggy head. But Rolf didn’t back off. Instead, he turned his attention to her neck, sweeping her hair away to get a clean shot.
    He started the torture by blowing a soft current of air against her already simmering skin. Of course, that left her shivering and covered in goose bumps. No doubt that was just what he’d hoped. Then he flicked his tongue over the pounding pulse running up the side of her neck, following it to her earlobe.
    She dragged her heavy arms up and grasped the first thing that she touched, his shirt, squeezing her fingers into tight fists around the soft fabric. She heard herself breathing, felt herself melting against him, knew her resolve was melting, too, but damned if she had the self-control to tell him to stop.
    It was wrong. Very wrong. But at the moment, it felt more right than any stolen kiss she’d ever experienced. Even her first with John.
    He nipped her ear and her body bolted, every muscle suddenly almost painfully tight. “You’re so responsive, precious. Your body reacts to everything I do.”
    That was no lie; even she was surprised. Not that she’d been a cold fish with John, but she’d never been so…easily aroused.
    What a freaking understatement. God, she was on fire.
    “Come with me, now. To my suite.” He dropped his arms, only to take both her hands. Back-stepping, he lured her down the hall. “It’s time to start your training.”

    O hmygod, what am I doing? What. The. Hell. Am. I. Doing? Wynne could hardly believe she was standing in a private bondage suite. The door was closing…closing…closed.
    Sure Rolf had somehow arranged for most of the oxygen to be sucked out of the room, she gasped and backed away from him.
    He was sexy. There was no doubt about that. He had already made her feel things she had never felt before. There could be no questioning that either. But now that she’d had a few seconds to think, she was almost 90 percent sure this was a giant mistake.
    Surely it wasn’t too late to tell him she’d changed her mind. He wouldn’t force her to stay, right?
    She cleared her throat, prepared to tell him she wasn’t ready to “start her training” today, but then he sat on the couch, kicked an ankle on top of his opposite knee, and threw his arms over the sofa’s back, and just like that he lost that scary edge he’d possessed in ample quantity just a moment before.
    “Come, sit.” He patted the cushion. “Here.”
    Still unsure whether she was staying or leaving, she took one step forward. “I’m a little uncomfortable.”
    “I can tell. That’s why we’re going to take things nice and slow.” It felt like a huge tank of fresh air had just been pumped into the room. Ahhh, she could breathe again. “We got a little intense outside. That’s fine, but we need to sit down and talk first.”
    Yes, talk was good. Talk was safe.
    Now even more relieved, she sat, leaving a fair amount of space between them. She swiveled to face him, drawing one leg up on the seat and tucking her foot under the opposite knee. “Okay.” She had no idea what one would say in this situation, so she waited for him to say something.
    “I need to understand what you’re looking for, what your limits are, what you like and don’t like.”
    “I’m not sure I can tell you that, since I’ve never done anything like this before.” Was he asking about sex? Surely, he didn’t expect her to tell him, a stranger, exactly what she liked and didn’t like. She’d never spoken openly and frankly with a partner about sex, not even John. She’d had one hell of a time talking about it with her crazy therapist. To open up to a strange man, a Dom, would be impossible.
    “But you do have some notion of your tolerance to pain.”
    That she could answer. “Zilch on the pain

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