Decadent Master
tolerance. I cry when I stub my toe.”
    “There, you see? You can tell me.” He patted her knee and a warm current of sensual energy rippled through her. As if he sensed her reaction, he left his hand there. The longer it remained, though, the more twitchy she felt.
    “Does my touching you make you uncomfortable?” he asked.
    “A little.”
    He smiled. “I was hoping you’d tell me the truth.” He moved his hand away, setting it on his own knee. “Now, tell me what you think you might gain by spending time with me in this room. And don’t say you want to plot your next novel, because there are plenty of ways to learn about S and M without stepping foot in a dungeon. If there is one rule everyone must keep, without fail, it is to be open, honest. Always. You lie, you’re out. Do you understand?” He gave her a pointed look that told her he wasn’t about to let her get away with even a teeny-tiny white lie.
    “I understand. As far as your question goes, I wish I could answer it, but I can’t.” Her gaze swept around the room. It was a comfortable-looking space, not quite as sterile and gymlike as the main dungeon area. Large oil paintings hung on two walls, and the walls themselves were painted a rich golden color. The couch was large and comfortable. A pretty armoire with intricately carved doors stood in one corner. With the exception of the narrow bondage table positioned against the wall opposite the armoire, she wouldn’t have known it was a room that was intended for bondage play. The overall feel was sedate and sensual. Cozy, too. Intimate. Yes, that was the perfect adjective.
    “If you can’t tell me what you’re looking for, then I’m afraid we shouldn’t continue this discussion.”
    She turned her focus back to Rolf. A part of her could imagine him kissing her, touching her. A part of her couldn’t. Strangely, she felt both drawn to him and slightly repelled. “I guess I’m expecting to learn whether this is something I want to pursue deeper or not.” That was the truth, although she didn’t tell him she fully expected to learn it was not .
    “Fair enough.” He gave her a satisfied nod. “Do you have any injuries or health concerns?”
    “No, not that I can think of.”
    “Do you take any prescription or over-the-counter medicines on a regular basis?”
    “Only a daily vitamin and an occasional Tylenol.”
    “Do you drink alcohol? Take any illegal drugs?”
    “Very rarely drink and absolutely not, no illegal drugs.”
    “Do you see a doctor and dentist regularly? When was your last checkup?”
    So many questions.
    She cleared her throat and straightened up, putting both feet on the floor. “Wow, I’m feeling a little like I’m being interviewed for a job or something.”
    “This is a standard application. We ask every new submissive these questions.”
    “I see.” She did, kind of. And didn’t.
    He explained, “It’s important for me to know if you have any potential problems or limitations. My first concern is your safety and health, always. So we’re going to get a feel of your overall health. What I can do, with your permission, is share the basics with the other Doms at Twilight, if you would like to approach any of them. That way you won’t have to go over the same information again.”
    “Um, okay.” The way he explained it, she could see the wisdom in asking those particular questions, as well as the many more that followed, particularly the one about being tested for STDs and HIV. She was relieved to hear all Doms at Twilight adhered strictly to the club’s condom use policy, without fail. As the questioning continued, she found herself becoming more and more relaxed.
    Then he asked, “Okay, now tell me how you feel about your body. Are you self-conscious about any part of it?”
    That was a tricky one. She shifted nervously on the couch. “Well, don’t most women have issues with some part of their body?”
    “Sure, many do.” He tipped his head. “What

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