Decadent Master
    “I—I was just caught by surprise. That’s all.”
    “Surprise?” Rolf’s intense gaze swept over her features, making her face sting with embarrassment and shame. But he didn’t say another word, just stood there, so close the air around her was heavily scented with his unique aroma, a blend of tangy aftershave and man.
    Her body was keenly aware of how close he was. Her nipples were tingly and tight, and deep inside her belly a warm sensation was swirling round and round.
    He was so much more man than John had been, not that John had been a lightweight. But Rolf’s dark, roughly hewn features were such a stark contrast to John’s golden-boy good looks and innocent face.
    And his body, oh my. He had muscles on top of muscles. Everything was sculpted, as if chiseled from rock. Just like his brother Dierk.
    Dierk. Where was he?
    She’d been disappointed when he hadn’t come out to greet her in the lobby. Talk about a face. His had been the star feature in at least a couple of her dreams over the past week. In fact, those dreams were what had made her decide to come back to Twilight. She’d pretty much convinced herself it was a waste of time, searching for answers here. But that last dream—the one she simply couldn’t put out of her head—that had changed her mind.
    Dierk, her dark and mysterious dungeon master. She just knew he had secrets. Lots of them.
    “Wynne?” Rolf cupped her chin, wrenching her out of her head and back into the real world.
    Oh my God. She was standing here, nearly breathless with lust for one man while thinking of another. What was this place doing to her?
    “I’m sorry, Rolf. I shouldn’t be here.” Major understatement. “This isn’t for me. It was a mistake coming tonight.” Big, huge, bigger-than-huge mistake. She expected him to move his arms, to let her go, so she could run like a sissy.
    He didn’t.
    He pinched his eyebrows together and pursed his lips. “What’s the real reason why you came here tonight?”
    Why’d he ask her that?
    Her cheeks were about to combust and there wasn’t a single drop of spit left in her mouth. Her tongue was as dry as the Mohave. “I’m…writing a book.”
    His eyes locked on hers, he shook his head. “I’m not buying that excuse, so how about you tell me the truth?”
    “But I am…I did…I’m working on a book. It’s a romance….” God, I’m such a bad liar, but I can’t tell him about John. I’ll look so pathetic. Ack, why do I care how pathetic I’ll look in his eyes? I’m not going to do anything with this man.
    “A romance, eh?” He dipped his head lower, bending his elbows to bring the hulk of his body closer to hers. A few parts of her anatomy decided they liked it. Her gray matter wasn’t saying what it thought, one way or the other.
    Oh God, he was so close and he smelled so good. And his mouth, it was right there. She could let him kiss her. Yes, that would be okay.
    What am I thinking?
    She gulped a few shallow breaths, hoping the oxygen would help kick-start her brain. It was stalled.
    “You’ve gotten very quiet, precious.”
    As impossible as she thought it might be, he leaned in closer still. His body—all six feet plus, two hundred and some-odd pounds—was practically smooshed up against hers. A whisper thin pocket of superheated air was all that remained between them.
    That, and one very big, bald-faced lie.
    “Are you maybe plotting out a sex scene in that pretty head of yours? Maybe I can help.” He tipped his head and brushed his mouth over hers in a whisper of a kiss.
    The air somehow seeped out of her lungs, making her head spin like she was riding on a Tilt-A-Whirl. He did it again, and little currents of electricity charged through her body, starting in the center and zapping up her chest and down her legs.
    Oh, this was crazy, letting this man kiss her. No, they didn’t have their tongues thrust down each other’s throats, but this wasn’t a chaste kiss either. She was

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