Delayed Penalty: A Pilots Hockey Novel

Delayed Penalty: A Pilots Hockey Novel by Sophia Henry Page A

Book: Delayed Penalty: A Pilots Hockey Novel by Sophia Henry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Henry
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closet door. My hair fell in soft, blond waves down my back, glistening with shine serum. Kristen had done an amazing job on my thick, black-rimmed eye makeup and the deep, red lip gloss that she and Lacy decided on, but I was stunned by the outfit I had chosen.
    My breasts were the focal point of my costume, having been maneuvered, taped, and squeezed into a black corset top. I had a sinking feeling that they would pop out if I hit too high a note. A pair of black leather pants that I had purchased for a Halloween costume sat low on my hips, and red patent heels completed the ensemble.
    You look like a streetwalker , Gram’s voice said in my head. That had been her comment on the one occasion during high school when I’d worn brown mascara and coated my lips in sheer pink gloss instead of my normal Lunar Lime Lip Smackers.
    “I can’t wear this,” I said, and began unbuttoning the pants.
    Lacy slapped at my hand. “You look hot. Leave it alone. Here.” She thrust a bottle of vodka at me.
    “You brought vodka?” I looked over my shoulder at the door as if my grandparents were standing there waiting to bust us.
    “Stop worrying and loosen those hips,” Lacy said as I accepted the bottle.

    “Hope this helps me figure out how I’m going to get out of the house in this outfit.” I tilted the bottle at my friends, scrunched my eyes shut, and took a tiny swig. “No chaser?” I handed the bottle back to Lacy.
    “Buck up, Auden. Act like a lead singer.” Lacy lifted the vodka to her lips, then passed it to Kristen.
    In an effort to calm my nerves, I counted sheep as I scrolled through the music library on my laptop. Kristen and Lacy were my friends; they wouldn’t let me bomb my first audition.
    “Thanks for coming,” Greg greeted me. He held the door open until I walked through. I followed him down a flight of stairs.
    “This place is amazing.” A complete music studio took up the entire basement. I immediately felt better about auditioning at Greg’s house. It wasn’t as sketchy a situation as I’d imagined.
    “Yeah, my dad’s a musician, so he lets us practice here when I’m home from school.” Greg shrugged. “That’s Josh.” Greg pointed to a tall, skinny guy with short, spiky black hair sitting behind a full drum kit.
    “I’m Aaron.” A short guy leaning against the far wall raised his hand. I hoped he was starting dreads, because his light brown hair clumped in various spots, like he’d twisted it that way to get dreads started. “ ’Sup, beautiful?”
    “It’s Auden,” I corrected. My tone was sharp, because I wanted them to treat me as an equal, not a piece of meat.
    “Alrighty then.” Greg slipped a guitar strap over his neck. “What do you need us to play?”

    “Do you guys know Social Distortion? ‘Making Believe’?” I asked, looking from Greg to Josh to Aaron. Josh’s blank face and Aaron’s scowl told me they didn’t. Great, I’d pissed them off in the first two minutes.
    “How the fuck are we supposed to know that?” Aaron asked. He turned to Greg. “I thought you said she was singing the Violent Femmes.”
    “She can sing whatever she wants.” Greg glared at Aaron.
    I tried not to let Aaron’s glower throw me off. This was all in good fun, just me stepping out of the tiny box I’d sealed myself in when I’d chosen soccer above all other interests.
    “Sorry. I know it’s a random song.” I hoped the comment would help mellow the situation. Instead, it was met with more blank stares and more scowling. So far the audition was going exactly as I’d imagined. Crash and Burn Berezin at my best.
    Since I’d never auditioned before, I had a difficult time keeping my pitch while singing a cappella and remembering to have some sort of stage presence. I went with what came to me, and hoped that nodding my head and rapping my hand against my thigh with the beat impressed them.
    When I finished, I looked up through the thick, fake eyelashes that Lacy had

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