The Mage of Orlon: The beginning

The Mage of Orlon: The beginning by Gene Rager

Book: The Mage of Orlon: The beginning by Gene Rager Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gene Rager
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terror. With a shriek Ezra fell backwards from the stool she was standing on as a murderous claw swiped at the space where her face had been. Ezra curled up a fist and struck the floor. “ Dammit to the fire! ” She screamed.
    Kata walked calmly to her frustrated apprentice, “ What went wrong? ” she asked Ezra who was now rubbing her butt.
    With a frustrated gaze she looked at her teacher, “ I don ’ t know, I could see the ocean, and without warning the claw swiped at me! ”
    Kata laughed, “ I think your visitor split your concentration a little. It will take practice for you to be able to focus on the mirror and not on your surroundings Ezra. Maybe we should go down a few levels before you try the scythe mirror again.
    “ Noooo, Kata. Please let me try again. The lower levels are so boring! ”
    Kata only shook her head, “ I admire your tenacity, but the lower levels, as boring as they are teach you the discipline to control your focus. You will be a great high priestess one day Ezra, but not today. ” The last was said with kindness.
    “ Kata, why did you let her try in the first place if she wasn ’ t ready? ” Lela asked.
    “ Ezra has pestered me to let her try since the third month of her training. It is unheard of for an apprentice to tame the scythe mirror at six months. However, Ezra might have tried this by herself if I had not allowed her to try! ” Kata said exasperated.
    Ezra blushed as Lela looked at her friend. With a smile that replaced her frustration Ezra approached her friend.
    “ One more time Kata, pleeeeeaasee. ” Ezra begged.
    “ See to the princess first, I will think about giving you a second chance, later after you have rested. ” Kata said.
    Having settled the business with the scythe mirror, the two childhood friends went to the garden behind the tower. The garden was in full bloom orchids, and flowers from all over the forest called the magnificent garden home. The fragrances sweetened the air. Lela always felt most at home in the garden.
    “ How was your patrol Lela? I heard you found an unusual human roaming our forests. ” Ezra said with an impish grin.
    “ He is so strange Ezra. He says he doesn ’ t know magic, and then uses a common candle lighting spell and destroyed the mages ’ spell book! ”
    “ Are you playing a prank on me Lela? No one has had that kind of power! ” Ezra exclaimed.
    “ He does, and claimed it was an accident. He comes from a strange place. He really seems to have no idea how to use magic, but then he tries a spell and destroys the most magically protected book we have! ” Lela said.
    Ezra noticed something about how she spoke of the human. With a slight grin she blurted out the thought, “ You like him don ’ t you! ”
    Lela caught off guard stammered, “ No, at least I don ’ t think so. Ezra he gets to me so easily. I couldn ’ t kill him in the forest, I couldn ’ t let the splintered kill him either, and then we talked outside the castle for an extra day before I brought him in. He seems so fragile at times. I think he likes me too. ”
    Ezra smiled, “ It ’ s about time you found someone to love again. ”
    “ I never said I loved him! I like him. I don ’ t even know why. ” Lela stated a little too sadly.
    Ezra looked at her friend, and smiled at what she saw. Lela felt uncomfortable when Ezra looked at her that way. Ezra could always tell what she was felling just at a glance. Finally she had to talk and break Ezra ’ s concentration.
    “ We are going to Cravenwood in the morning. ”
    Ezra ’ s smile was wiped off her face by this news. “ Lela, why are you going there? Bring the human to me and I will tell you everything about him! ”
    “ He feels he needs to repair the spell book. We are going to see Lex. I don ’ t want to know what he is thinking Ezra. It looks like he is the next mage of Orlon, you know how bad things ended for me the last time. ”
    “ Yes Lela, it hurt you so much you have sealed

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