Deliver Me

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Book: Deliver Me by Faith Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faith Gibson
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coming off
the drummer. He was the one who Sarah said had given her dirty looks. Erik couldn’t
forget the way he had placed his hand on Lee’s back, either. He didn’t need to
be a psychologist to recognize the possessiveness.
of the men took turns loving on Delilah, telling her they would see her soon.
Everyone except Cade. He went outside and waited by the truck.
didn’t say goodbye to Delilah. He surprised Erik by telling his friends he
would see them later. After they were out the door, Lee turned to him, “I hope
you don’t mind. I’d like to hang around and help.”
can certainly help with my cock. That
was the only thing Erik needed from Lee, but there was no way he was asking for
it. “Sure. If you would, please watch Delilah while I arrange her things.” He
turned and headed down the hall, expecting Lee to stay in the large living
room, making himself comfortable. Instead, he followed him into her new room,
describing everything to her. Erik had already mapped out the room where he
wanted everything to go, so placing the furniture only took a few minutes. When
that was done, he took her clothes out of the bags and placed them in the
drawers of the small dresser. Her toys he placed in a bright yellow basket he’d
bought just for that reason. An infant her age needed stimulation, lots of
bright colors. There was no pale pink anywhere.
tell me her schedule,” he told Lee as he took Delilah from him.
well, she eats when she’s hungry. She sleeps when she’s fussy, and she gets a
bath before bed.”
how often do you feed her?” Erik had a good idea there was no set schedule.
I said, whenever she’s hungry. Look, Erik, I told you I’m not cut out for this,
but I think I’ve done pretty good so far. Except for that first week, she’s
doing much better. She doesn’t fuss unless she’s sleepy or wants her diaper
could see how much Lee needed him to say he’d done well with her. “Lee, you’ve
done a great job. I will work to get her on a set schedule so when you come off
the road, she’ll be a piece of cake.”
can’t thank you enough for doing this. Being on tour is stressful enough, but
to have to worry about her too? I don’t think I could do it.”
was surprised to hear the lack of confidence in Lee’s voice. He never thought
about what it would mean to be a superstar in the limelight all the time. He
placed Delilah in her bed and turned on the mobile. Her blue eyes focused on the
animals circling overhead. They both stood watching her. Lee’s hands were
holding onto the rail, and Erik slid his own hand next to Lee’s. The contact
was minimal but enough to have Erik wanting more. When he was sure the baby
wasn’t going to fuss, he told Lee, “Let’s go to the living room.” He waited for
the other man to lead the way.
Duke?” Lee asked when they reached the end of the hall.
in the back forty chasing squirrels, I would imagine.”
have forty acres? The place didn’t look that big from the outside.”
it’s just a saying. I have less than five acres. I don’t have time for the
upkeep on anything larger. Why, how much land do you have?”
a hundred acres. I like my privacy.” Lee was walking around the living room,
looking at everything. He stopped at the mantel and picked up a picture of Erik
and Tor when they were little. “This your brother?”
That’s Tor. He was my baby brother. Would you like something to drink?” Erik
really didn’t want to discuss what happened, but he would if asked.
sure. Whatever you’re having. You said was. What happened?” Lee asked as he
placed the picture back in its spot.
pulled two beers out of the fridge. Handing one to Lee, he told him Tor’s
story. “Remember I said Duke was a service dog? Tor was a Marine and did a
couple of tours overseas. He got his leg blown off and couldn’t serve in

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