Della: Bride of Texas (American Mail-Order Bride 28)
eye, a man approached. He was handsome and strong looking, Della noticed that everyone showed respect to him as he walked by. He towered over most men and bore a neatly trimmed mustache. When he stopped to chat with people, she could hear his deep voice—one sure to command respect. His eyes kept darting her way. Finally, he made it through the crowd. Could this be Milton? Della wondered.
    He strode up and wrapped his arm around Millie’s waist. Della exhaled. It’s not him , she thought, disappointed. Where is he? The suspense of who Milton Tidwell was started to get on Della’s last nerve.
    “This is my husband, John Lockhart,” Millie said, leaning her head back into the sheriff’s chest.
    “Nice to meet you,” Della said, her eyes quickly scanning the crowd to continue the search for the man she could call her own.
    “Pleasure to meet you,” Sheriff Lockhart said. “Hey, did you meet this guy yet?” The sheriff grabbed the shoulder of a man walking past the group, spinning him around.
    Della didn’t even have time to wonder if it was Milton because when she turned to face him, she was staring back at the one man she hadn’t wanted to see that day—Hank Hensley. His eyes were red and he looked as if he’d just crawled out of bed seconds earlier. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she could smell the faint scent of liquor on him. “Yes, I…” Della started.
    “Yes,” Hank interrupted, “She’s had the unquestionable pleasure of meeting me and my alter ego, right Miss Owens? Now if you’ll excuse me, it appears as if Hank…or is it Sam? … is in high demand today.” He tipped his hat and winked at Della before turning to approach a group of young women who were giggling and calling him over. Good! Della thought. Just as I wanted it—no phony conversations or insufferable teasing .
    “Rough night,” Sheriff Lockhart said, grinning and nodding toward Hank.
    The crowd began filing into the church house—each congregation member being greeted by Pastor and Mabel Littlejohn as they stepped through the doors. Della was pulled aside by Mabel on her way in. “I’m so happy to meet you, Della,” she said. “I know it’s late notice, but Pastor Littlejohn and I were hoping you’d be able to have supper with us after church along with Mr. Tidwell—to make the proper introductions.”
    Just what Della had been waiting for! “Yes, of course,” she said. “I’ll let Mr. Jennings know of my whereabouts. Thank you!”
    Mabel smiled and motioned for Della to enter the church before her. As her eyes scanned the room, trying to find Roy and Mary, she noticed Hank sitting alone in the back pew. I’m surprised he’s not sitting smack in the middle of three or four silly girls, Della scoffed. She spotted her host and made her way down the aisle to sit beside them. They were in the second row, and while she was grateful for the opportunity to hear the sermon front and center, she couldn’t help the urge to glance around the room, trying to figure out the identity of Milton Tidwell. As the Pastor spoke his sermon, Della casually turned around to see if anyone was looking at her—a clear sign it would be Mr. Tidwell. There was no one to the left or right looking her way, so she turned her head back toward the doors of the church. Every man faced forward, listening to the sermon, expect one—Hank Hensley—who was staring directly at her, quietly chuckling—as if he’d been watching her all this time and knew exactly what she was up to! Della’s eyes grew wide and she quickly turned back around to focus on the sermon. Well it figures he wouldn’t be listening to the sermon, she thought. Of all people, he probably needed to hear the Lord’s word most! It was just as well that Milton wasn’t paying attention to her—he must be a Godly man who has his priorities straight.
    At the end of the sermon, Della rose with Roy and Mary and made her way to the church steps where Mabel and Pastor Littlejohn

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