Demon Singer

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Book: Demon Singer by Benjamin Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin Nichols
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interest in picking up some Hell born STD.  Where is she?"  Lyric ground out through clenched teeth.
    Acheron's expression was puzzled.  
    "She's here in the town.  Right over there."  She pointed at Lyric's childhood home.  Lyric borrowed her expression of puzzlement as he tried to work out what was going on.
    "I've been through every inch of this town, there's no one here."
    Acheron shrugged.
    "That's where she is."
    "Try this," Lyric said handing her a green composition stylus, "it belongs to Unique Harmony of the Space Between."
    Acheron arched an eyebrow.
    "What an interesting name."  
    Lyric shrugged and gestured for her to get on with it.  Closing her eyes, she opened them almost immediately.  "Same place."
    Lyric's brow furrowed in thought.
    "Try this," he handed her a silver hair comb set with rubies from his sister's bureau. "This belongs to Ruby Rain of the Composer."
    Acheron closed her eyes longer this time; then turned West.  Opening her eyes, she said "Two days by car in that direction."
    Lyric nodded, "That sounds right," he headed toward his home.  He disappeared through the door while Acheron waited outside.  "Acheron come here!"  The demoness appeared next to him as though she had been a step away.  Lyric was startled in spite of himself.  "You have the sight, right?"
    "Yes, Lover, I have the sight, what am I looking for?"
    "Something is distorting the sound in this room, in fact, now that I'm listening for it, the entire house is distorted."
    Acheron looked around and shook her head.  "Everything seems normal.  There are a few enchanted items here and there, but nothing seems off."
    Lyric as a soul singer was not allowed to have enchanted items, so he dismissed them from his mind.
    "Can you zero in on the precise location of Emma from the white stone?"
    "She's over there," Acheron gestured at the table where Whistle still lay.  "On the chair on the far side of the table."
    Lyric strode over and examined the area, above, beneath, around the chair.  
    "She isn't here," he said perplexed
    "Don't argue with Demon Sense, she's there."
    "And Niq?"
    Acheron closed her eyes with a sigh.  Her brow pinched in apparent confusion as She lifted her arm.  She began to point, then stopped and turned around on the spot.  Finally, she pointed at the door to Niq's study.
    "What was that all about?" Lyric asked.
    "Something seems off.  It like he's there, but not there.  Like a reflection rather than the real thing."
    Lyric entered his father's room and searched carefully for him in all the places he had already looked, but to no avail.
    Walking back out the front door he stopped on the street and cocked his head, listening intently.  
    "The distortion is out here as well," he said thoughtfully.  "What is it and is it connected to the disappearances?"
    "I have no idea," Acheron said impatiently, "but frankly I'm bored with this game.  No one's here, and as far as we can tell, no one is dead.  We still have a mysterious someone who sent a huge pack of hellhounds to actually kill you.  You have a year to sever a tie that as far as we know will kill us both.  Don't you think you should prioritize a bit?"
    "I'm going to try something," Lyric said, ignoring Acheron.  "I will need to make use of our tie; do I have your permission?"
    Acheron flushed.
    "You know you don't have to ask my permission, just do it."
    Lyric shrugged and began a sweet melody that wound out and caressed Acheron's skin.  Clenching up she withstood it as long as possible, before crying out.  Lyric stopped and looked at her in surprise.
    "What's wrong?"
    "It hurts."
    "But it's a song of peace, how can it hurt?"
    "I'm a demoness dumbass!  It hurts!"
    "Okay, okay I’m sorry, let's try this, are you ready?"
    "Don't apologize, just do it!"  the Demoness shouted.
    Lyric began the same melody but dropped to a minor scale, turning it into a song of lament.  As the sound approached Acheron, it flowed over and around her like it a

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