Demon Singer

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Book: Demon Singer by Benjamin Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin Nichols
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burial shroud.  The magic took hold and she noticed a shimmer in the air.  Instinctively she sent a surge of power along the tie and amped up Lyric's song.  He began singing ancient words she had not heard since before the fall, which shocked her like a lightning strike.  She ground her teeth and withstood the burning sensation, which was accompanied by an almost narcotic quality.  She felt like she was about to split apart, so backed off the juice a bit, so she could concentrate harder on seeing through the shimmer.  
    "Holy shit," she said softly.  Exploring the sensation of their tie, she realized she could send a thought along it to Lyric.  " Look over by the house to your right, in front of the bushes. "
    Lyric continued singing as he did what she said and started at what he saw.  A perfect crystal statue of his old neighbor stood in the yard, stooped over to pick something up off the ground.  Eyes darting about he saw several people in their yards and on the streets, all perfect crystalline representations of friends and neighbors.  " What the hell is going on? "  he thought at her
    " No idea, but I bet your parents are in their house.  Stop singing, it hurts; let's see if they go away ."
    Lyric stopped his song and immediately the statues vanished.  He turned and dashed into the house, beckoning Acheron to follow.  Once inside he began his song again, immediately the shimmer showed up, Acheron sent power down the tie and as soon as the words started, she winced and backed off a little.  There at the table, sat Lyric's mother, a worried expression on her face.  Lyric kept singing and made his way to his father's study.  His father was still absent.  He looked everywhere and found nothing.
    Going back to the dining room, he changed his song to a restoration piece.  Nothing happened.  He whipped through his repertoire, trying everything he could think of.  No joy.  Confused, frustrated, angry he made his way outside and sat down on the steps of his family home.
    Like a towering black wave, a deluge of emotions he had held carefully in check overwhelmed him.  Once he allowed himself to contemplate the mix of frustration, rage, fear and helplessness, there was no stopping the flood that burst out if him as a wild lament that shattered the air, literally. Lightning began striking the street, making craters in the asphalt.  The neighbor's house across the street compressed as though flattened by a huge fist.   Suddenly he was flying through the air and landed flat on his back, Acheron slamming the weight of her body down on his stomach as he hit the ground.  His breath left him, stopping the song and the lightning storm.  He looked up at Acheron in surprise.  She held him pinned, her hands like steel around his wrists.
    He gasped; attempting to speak and she slid back and descended, covering his mouth with hers.  Dazed, he did not resist and for the first time in his life experienced a real kiss.  Only this one was from a demon with millennia of experience.  Not really a fair first kiss.  The knot in his back twisted something awful and another, more obvious reaction made itself known against her leather-clad derriere.  Finally, she broke the kiss and sat back looking him carefully in the eye.
    "As much as I'd love to take advantage of this situation you need to listen to me as hard as you can.  Do I have your complete attention?  Don't speak, just nod."  Lyric nodded.  "Good, c'mon."  Standing up she grabbed his hand and easily pulled him to his feet.  Keeping a hold of him, she led him back to the porch and sat him down on the step, sitting next to him.
    "There are some things you should know from your training, and some that no soul singer knows, but due to our unique situation you need to learn.  A soul singer's song is a powerful thing by itself.  Alone, it can hurt a demon and even cast us back to hell.  You already know you have some control over your surroundings from your

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