Demon Singer

Demon Singer by Benjamin Nichols

Book: Demon Singer by Benjamin Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin Nichols
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to contract you out. You are a nuke in a world of peashooters, they absolutely do not want you advertised to the supernatural community. The Soul Singers Guild is not going to tell anyone.  You’re an embarrassment, and besides, they keep secrets better than dead men.  Is there anything different in your life other than my arrival?”  Lyric shook his head.  “So the question is who wants your attention, doesn’t seem to have your best interests at heart and probably knows about yours truly?"
    “The only people who knew about you were my parents, Niq and Emma; I called them the day I cast.  Neither one of them would spread the word about me.  Emma’s a princess though; maybe it has nothing to do with me.”
    “A princess? You’re royalty?”
    Lyric flushed.
    “I’m not royalty, I’m a bastard. My mother is the daughter of one of the King’s of Markhato, David Westfall.  She and I are an embarrassment to him as well.  Westfall is married to Starshine’s Lullaby, the daughter of the Native Canadian King, River Hammer.  Emma met Niq when visiting her grandfather.  She was due back at court the following week; instead she ran away with a penniless composer and conceived me out of wedlock.”
    “Well now, that puts a different spin on things. It’s very possible this is about your mother and taking the whole town is intended to keep her in line. So, good news, not our problem.”  Acheron said brightly.
    “These are my parents; it’s very much my problem.  If it’s because of my mother it probably has to do with the war.”
    Acheron shrugged.
    “Sorry, Lover, I don’t keep up with human politics. What war?”
    “It isn’t human politics.  There is a second sight war brewing, some crazy woman named Melody is trying to whip up a revolt among the supernaturals against the Four Kings.  It’s been all over the Guild because the Masters are considering whether we should be involved.  She says it’s time humanity knew of the supernatural beings that live among them.  She wants to bring down the second Veil so all supernaturals are revealed.  She’s been drafting malcontents for the last few years, mostly the ones who have negligible or no powers, who think their lives will improve if they’re recognized as being special and different from humans.”
    “How is she planning to bring down the veil?”  Acheron seemed almost impressed by the audacity of such a task.
    “I have no idea.”
    "Why don't the Kings kill her?"
    "I'm not a King so I don't really know, but I have an idea..." Acheron waited expectantly, crooking an eyebrow when he shouted in her face. "They aren’t demons!  Killing isn't the first solution that comes to mind when problems arise!!"
    "You misunderstand," she said earnestly. "Killing isn't the first solution, just the easiest and fastest. We also enjoy torture, maiming and my personal favorite, corruption!"
    Lyric shook his head in disgust.
    "Regardless of the rumors or whether they’re true, I intend to find my parents.  Demons can track important possessions to find a person, right?  I remember being stalked by a big, ugly bastard a couple years ago that got a hold of a knife of mine."
    "What's the item?"
    Lyric produced a small white stone, polished smooth, small enough to fit in your palm.
    "Who does it belong too?"
    "What's her full name?"  
    Lyric eyed her warily.  
    "Seriously, Lover, I need her full name to find her."
    "Emerald Gem of Markhato."
    Acheron closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment.  She frowned suddenly and opened her eyes; those beautiful eyes with thick dark lashes...Lyric shook his head.   Stop it!  She's a monster, a disgusting fiend from hell.  He looked back at her to see her smiling slyly.
    "Watcha thinkin', Lover?"
    "I'm thinking I'd like to know where my mother is, stop calling me Lover."
    "Mmm hmm, any time you want to get off your high horse and roll in the mud with me say the word."
    "You're a whore, and I have no

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