Desperate Seduction
her. She couldn’t live the rest of her life pretending to be something she wasn’t. Could it be that they weren’t so well suited after all?
    Then why did she feel so positive about their future together?

    Alyssa Brooks
    A single hot tear rolled down her left cheek and she fought to dam the flood of emotions. Leaning against the counter, she drew several deep breaths.
    Should she call him again?
    As if in answer, the telephone rang. Oh my God! Was it him? She raced across the room, all but tripping on her own two feet to grab the portable off the couch. “Blake?” she half screamed, half cried. Her foot caught on something, sending her rolling to the floor with a loud thump. “Ouch.”
    Blake gave a lighthearted laugh. “Glad to know you miss me.” His voice was smooth, suave, in control. The bastard! What was he up to now?
    She swallowed. “Why didn’t you come to dinner?”
    “I won’t make apologies.” He paused, letting her hang. “It was your fault.” No! Don’t let it be that! “What? Blake…”
    “I am teasing you unmercifully, but I can’t help it. You’re so cute.” He chuckled and she wanted to reach through the line and slap him. “I’m glad to know you care. Now, will you come pick me up from the police station?”
    “The what? Blake, that’s not funny.”
    “I know and unfortunately, I’m not kidding. I don’t know why I’m laughing either, except when you’ve had a day like mine, there really isn’t much else to do.”
    “What happened?”
    “I was daydreaming about you and rearended a guy. Thankfully the only injury was to my pride. The police insisted on a blood test, thinking I was drunk or on drugs.”
    “Well, because the guy I hit was like the twentieth car behind a long line at a light and I never even hit the brakes. Not to mention I was too preoccupied to change from my uniform. Not every day a black belt in a cowboy hat goes plowing through traffic at twenty-five miles an hour.”

    Desperate Seduction
    He lowered his voice. “I could hardly explain that I was daydreaming of you and your little sexy call and that butt plug. But now that I’ve proven I’m not a drunk, just an idiot, they’re releasing me. Can you come save this jerk?”
    “Oh goodness, of course. I’ll be right there.”
    “I’m at the station on Court Street. Thanks, Claire. See you in a minute. Love ya.
    Blake hung up, not waiting for her response. Thank God too, because her tongue was tied in a knot. He loved her? Did he really just say that? Or was it just a casual toss off?
    The speed of her heart jump-started, accelerating to unsafe illegal limits. She shook as she pulled herself upright, a silly smile spreading on her face.
    Thank God! Blake had been in a car accident!
    Not that she’d wanted him to wreck, but it meant all her worries were for naught.
    She hadn’t quit her job in haste.
    She raced to her bedroom, quickly changing from the negligee to a pair of shorts and tee shirt. As she bent, the plug reminded her of its presence. She wondered if she should remove it, but quickly decided no. There was something naughty about venturing to a police station with it in. She felt bad and she loved it. Besides, imagine Blake’s surprised face when he realized she’d actually kept it in all day. No doubt he expected that she would’ve long since removed it. He probably wanted an excuse to spank her.
    He could do that anyway.
    Dressed, she grabbed her purse and keys, all the while singing to herself, “Love, love, love, da da dum, love, love, love…”
    * * * * *
    A warm, wonderful emotion filled Blake as he held Claire’s hand. Together, they strolled toward her blue Neon parked directly out front the police station. Her fingers 53

    Alyssa Brooks
    clutched his, as if letting go would mean losing him. Every couple of seconds, she stroked her thumb along his palm, sending shivers up his arm.
    To think, three days ago he’d planned on setting

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