Destiny (Vanish Book Four)
    “I’ll see you guys around,” Skylar said as he
turned around and walked away. When I finally looked over to Dante,
I saw almost the same exact look in his eyes, as I saw in
    “I—I’m so sorry. I don’t know why—”
    “Don’t worry about it. You can’t help it; I
know that.”
    “What does this mean? For us, I mean.”
    “Scarlett, I honestly don’t know.” His voice
took on a harsh edge that cut through me like a knife.
    I didn’t ask for this; I didn’t want this. I
wanted everything to go back to the way it was yesterday before I
met with Skylar. How could one kiss change you this much?
    “Dante, please. I’m sorry.”
    “I’m not really in the mood to watch a movie
anymore. Do you mind if I just take you home?”
    He pulled up to the house. He didn’t say a
word, he just waited for me to get out. I looked over at him,
waiting for him to say something, do something—anything.
    “I need you to know that I’m not angry,” he
said, his eyes never leaving the windshield. “But that doesn’t
change the fact that I can’t do this.”
    “But last night—”
    “Last night I was fooling myself. Last night
I didn’t know the extent of this.”
    “The extent of what?”
    “The extent of your love, the extent of
this—this curse.”
    “Please don’t do this, I love you.”
    “I love you, too, but it doesn’t matter.”
    “It does matter, don’t say that,” I
    “Get out.”
    “Dante,” I cried.
    He didn’t say anything else. I reached for
the handle, and slowly got out. As soon as I shut the door, he
raced off, not to his house, but to the entrance of the
    I stumbled over to the private spot on the
lake; somewhere no one could see me. To be more specific, it was
where Dante and I came back to life. I fell to my knees on the
shore, and let myself fall face-first into the water. My screams
came out only as bubbles, rising to the surface of the water, my
pain escaping me, never to be heard.
    I pretended the tears weren’t there as they
flowed into the water. I kept my head under water. I thought about
not coming up for air, but before I could make that decision,
someone had grabbed my shirt and pulled me out of the water—it was
Dante, he came back. He realized he couldn’t do this either. I
turned over to face him.
    No. I was wrong—it was Skylar.
    “How did you know?” I cried.
    “I just did,” he said as he pulled me
    I grabbed him back and wrapped my arms around
him, burying my head into his chest. The tears streamed down, and I
couldn’t stop them, but he didn’t care. He backed up, still keeping
his arms around me, and looked at my face.
    “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I know how you
feel about him; I never consciously wanted to ruin that for you. In
fact, I’ve tried to find some way around this, but I haven’t, not
yet anyway.”
    I pulled him closer to me. With his strength,
he didn’t have to let me, but he did. I stood there in his arms and
cried until the tears ran out. I heard a car speeding down the
street and looked over the bushes—it was Dante.
    “I’ll be right back, okay?” I said.
    He grabbed my hand; he didn’t want me to go.
His grasp loosened, I could tell it took a lot, and finally, he let
go. I knew my face was red and covered with tears, but I needed to
talk to him. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand, I didn’t need
to say how I was feeling; I knew he felt it too. I kept my eyes
patiently focused on him, waiting for him to say what a mistake it
    “I’m leaving,” he said.
    “Don’t go, I need to talk to you.”
    “I don’t mean it like that.”
    “Wh—what do you mean then?”
    “I’m going to my aunt’s house; she needs help
with… something.”
    “A few states away.”
    “Please Dante, no. You can’t leave me; I need
    “No, you need him.”
    “When—when are you leaving?”
    “Tonight. Good-bye Scarlett, I hope you can

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