Destiny (Vanish Book Four)
couldn’t. I didn’t want to know how the world would—or
wouldn’t—change because of our ‘love.’ I pushed the book away.
    “I don’t care. You didn’t trick me
into anything—aside from thinking you were Skylar, but I don’t
care. I don’t want to know what that stupid book says. Maybe it
would be better for the world if I was with Skylar, but it wouldn’t
be better for me.”
    “Thank you for understanding,” he said.
    “No, thank you,” I smiled. “Did you—did you
read what it says?”
    “No,” he said. “I could never bring myself to
read that part.”

Chapter 8:
    I lay back on the bed, looking up at his face
as he looked down at mine. He smiled and closed his eyes, while he
slowly inched his lips toward mine. It was like torture, waiting
and waiting, until finally, his lips were one with mine, and he was
lying beside me.
    Before I could tell that any time had passed,
the sun was peeking in through the window. I looked over at Dante
and smiled. It was beautiful; I didn’t have to second guess my
feelings for him, never . Unfortunately, that piece inside of
me was growing stronger, it was starting to sink deep inside me,
and I had to think about the feelings that came with it.
    I didn’t understand what could be so
important that two people would be pushed together for that one
purpose. I couldn’t look at the book; I couldn’t know why I needed
to be with Skylar, because then, when I wasn’t, I would know
exactly what the consequences were, and that I couldn’t handle.
    I knew what I wanted, who I needed, and I
knew the only person who could make me feel complete. No one could
take Dante’s place; these were feelings developed over years of
friendship, and a one-year romance. The feelings for Skylar seemed
to appear seconds after our kiss, but that didn’t mean they would
be so easy to get rid of.
    “Do you want to go to the movies?” Dante
    “Sure,” I said, still wrapped up in thoughts
that would break his heart.
    As we pulled up to the theater, I noticed
Skylar’s car was still parked across the street at the park. I got
out of the car without moving my eyes away. I looked a little
further, and I saw Skylar still sitting at the bench. I couldn’t
rip my eyes away from him; I couldn’t see him clearly, but I still
couldn’t stop staring.
    “So what do you want to see?” Dante asked as
he walked over to me.
    He waved his hand in front of my face when I
didn’t respond. His hand partially obstructed my view, but it
didn’t matter; I still couldn’t look away.
    Dante came closer to me, and stood, looking
in the same direction that I was. He sighed, “I think I forgot
something in the car.” He went and sat down. I looked for a moment,
but it didn’t seem as if he was looking for anything.
    When my eyes turned back to Skylar, he was
standing in front of his car about twenty feet closer, staring
back. He curled his lips up into a smile, but that didn’t hide the
fact that he looked miserable. He had circles under his eyes. He
walked closer in my direction. Oh god, he was coming over to see
    As he got closer, it was pretty evident he
had been crying. His eyes were glassy, red, and swollen, and as he
got closer, I could see that his lips quivered through his
    “Hey,” he said as he came over.
    “Hi,” I said in the calmest voice I could
muster. It seemed as though that tiny part of me had a pulse of its
own, and it throbbed and ached. It hurt me to see him like this, a
guy I didn’t even like less than twenty-four hours ago.
    “Hello,” Dante said as he got out of the car.
Skylar nodded in his direction. “Are you ready to go Scarlett?”
Dante asked.
    I couldn’t take my eyes away from Skylar,
away from his even-brighter green, tortured eyes. I tried; I tried
with all of my might to answer Dante, to look in his direction. I
wanted nothing more than that, but I was no longer able to control
myself. It was like I was

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