Destiny (Vanish Book Four)
    He walked inside the house and shut the door.
I collapsed on the porch, and just cried. I heard the door open,
and I looked up, anticipating seeing his face, possibly for the
last time, but it wasn’t him.
    “You need to leave,” his mother said. “Can’t
you see what you’re putting him through? I never thought you two
would end well.”
    “What?” I could barely speak.
    “Please just leave him alone.”
    I got up and left the porch. I stumbled back
to Skylar, who was waiting for me next to the water.
    “He’s leaving,” I said without emotion. “It’s
really over.”
    “I’m sorry, Scarlett. If it helps, I’m here
for you.” That tiny part of me that jolted awake last night, was
growing stronger by the minute, I think I might have been letting
it. I needed to know if Dante and I would ever have a chance
    “I need to talk to him once more before he
leaves, I’m sorry.”
    I got up, turned invisible and ran for the
house. I climbed up on the garbage cans under his window; it was
open, and I could hear music blaring. All I needed to do was lift
the screen up and try to climb inside. There was a tiny ledge that
I could stand on, I got the screen up, but it seemed like climbing
inside would be an issue. I peeked up to see if he’d noticed the
screen opening, he didn’t. I got half of my body inside the window,
and the rest of me came in with a thump on the floor. He jumped up,
alarmed, and I became visible.
    “It’s me; it’s me.”
    He turned off the music, and did not look
amused. He turned toward me, there wasn’t a hint of emotion in his
eyes; they looked dull.
    “I told you I didn’t want to see you, isn’t
it obvious? I’m leaving the state; I can’t do this Scarlett. It’s
just too hard.”
    “I don’t want to be with Skylar; I want you.
I would leave the state with you; I would leave everything
    “Now that you know, now that you’re starting
to feel something for him, it can’t be reversed. You will never be
truly happy with me.”
    “I was truly happy with you this morning,
Dante. Why don’t you believe that?”
    “No, I don’t. I believe you were happy with
me yesterday, but I don’t think we can ever be like that
    “Why are you being like this? You’re saying
that there will never be another chance for us?”
    He closed his eyes and shook his head, and
then he opened them. “Maybe, but for now, I want you to just go
with what you’re feeling and not worry about me. If you really are
meant to be with Skylar, if it really would make you happier then
fine, it won’t change anything. I’ll still love you, and you will
always have loved me, and I can live with that. I have forever, and
so do you.”
    “Please, tell me what you’re feeling. Tell me
what you’re thinking,” I begged. I needed to know if there was some
detail that I was missing.
    “I’m feeling lost and alone. I’m also feeling
the guilt slowly fading away; I’m not keeping you from your
destiny, not anymore.”
    “You don’t have to feel guilty; I’m choosing
you. Right now, I’m choosing you.”
    “Then when the time is right, I hope you can
feel that way again.”
    He bent over to zip up the suitcase I hadn’t
noticed on the bed. There was a small red box on top of the
    “What’s that?” I asked, curious.
    “When the time is right you will know,” he
answered as he picked up the suitcase and grabbed a second one by
the door. “Good-bye Scarlett,” he smiled, but it was forced,
    I ran over to him, closed the door and pushed
him up against the wall. Then, I stood up on my tiptoes and
struggled to reach his lips. He looked up pulling away. He acted
like it was crucial to avoid this kiss. The kiss I so desperately
wanted to remember, for who knows how long. I put my hands on his
shoulders trying to pull myself up further, but he was too tall,
and I couldn’t reach. I buried my head in his chest and began
    “I need you,” I

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