Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend by S.N. Garza

Book: Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend by S.N. Garza Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.N. Garza
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enough to listen, and leaned into Dax and whispered. “BDSM type stuff.”
    “Ha-ha! You can say that. But I don’t sodomize women. They do everything willingly, and they love it.”
    “Then, I’m definitely not your type.”
    “I know, but that’s okay, Pixie. You do still make my dick hard though,” he placed his hand behind me on the chair and had started twirling a small chunk around his finger.
    God, the stuff he says made me so flabbergasted.
    “So why are we even-? You know. Here?”
    “For some reason, I want to hang with you. You’re a beautiful girl, smart and the fact you said you won’t sleep with me is something I admire.”
    “Huh. Okay. So what type am I, if I’m not your type?”
    “Oh, just by looking at you? Well, when I saw your truck, it seemed like you’re a little princess. That type of truck costs money to maintain-
    “Stop right there, buddy.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “Yeah. I’m gonna interrupt you. Listen, Dax . I am not some little princess. Everything I have, I’ve had to work really hard for. That truck, was my grandfathers and after he died, before I was born, my Nana kept it in prime condition. That was his baby. My Nana respected that, kept it that way and when she gave it to me to use for school, and work, I promised myself I would keep it the same. I’m not rich. Far from it, actually. I guess I deserve that though for judging you like I did. But you never denied it, so.”
    I opened my hands in a ‘what do you want me to say’ gesture and looked away from him.
    “Cause most of it is true except for the friends. I don’t get close to people.”
    “Even the girls you go out with?”
    “I don’t ‘go out’ with girls. We fuck. And no, they know the score when they get with me.”
    I thought about what he said for a minute. I liked how he was honest and I didn’t mind it if he was crass or crude. It just seemed natural for him.
    “And you think you’re gonna have sex with me?”
    He turned my way, his eyes skimming over my body, landing on my chest. The look in his eyes made me feel naked. It was like molten lava. Little pulses of excitement ran through my veins and without will of my own, my breasts felt heavy underneath his gaze and responded to him by hardening into tight, and painful points.
    Even though he said I wasn’t his type and I said I wasn’t going to sleep with him, didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate a man looking at me the way he was looking at me right now.
    I didn’t have to look down to see them when I saw his nose flare and his mouth open slightly.
    “I think…”
    “Here you go, y’all.” Our food was set down, and she asked if we needed anything else. But she wasn’t looking at me. Her eyes had been glued on Dax, just trying to get him to notice her. But he just kept looking at my boobs.
    “Uh. Dax?” His tongue swiped over his lips then he looked up at me. His stare was making me squirm in my seat, but I couldn’t look away. I liked how he looked at me. My core felt hot, and I could feel my arousal seep down to my panties. No one has ever made me feel like this. Wanton and needy. My breath caught. I didn’t want to be another sexual conquest for him though. I couldn’t deny though that what I felt pooling down in the pit of my stomach was pure lust and desire.
    “Yeah?” His voice became hoarse and thick as he spoke. I nodded my head towards the waiter. He kept his eyes on me for longer than what was comfortable, like he didn’t want anything interrupting his eye-fucking. That’s the only way I could describe that look. He was undressing me with his eyes and I could just imagine his hands running over the curves of my body. Teasing the flesh to his every demand.
    The waiter cleared her throat with irritation. Then Dax’s eyes changed, turning hard as he looked up at the pretty waitress.
    “Where’s the guy that took our order?”
    “Oh. He had to go, it was the end of his shift. No worries, though. I’ll take real good

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